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Thoughts on HearthStone, F2P but P2W?


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So i a lot of my friends started playing the game, but after watching some streams i see decks that seems to me imposible to get without paying money. So what are you thoughts on the game do you think is posible to get high ranked without buying decks?
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P2w, i played open beta and all the way till the first expansion. If you wanna get decks you need to use your coins, if you don't have coins you can't unlock adventures, if you can't unlock adventures you cant win more cards. In other words it's p2w. Besides it gets boring after a while. I gave up on it around 7 months ago, the prospect of playing it again doesnt seem so attractive. But meh maybe it's me. Got to rank 8 with a control shaman deck, back when those existed i guess. Now i just don't even care anymore. Played 7 months to get 3 legendaries that are mostly useless (nat pagle, malygos, and i don't remember the third) or don't work without a specific deck. Idk man if i was you i wouldn't bother.


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i mean there's always zoo warlocks or cheap decks (that are usually op) either way the game isn't really that balanced imo, and it's massively rng (luck) based. I don't like that either. Anyways, hope i helped, good luck if you decide to play

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't want to make new thread. Anyone played warframe? The question is the same, the game is F2P, but is it P2W? Btw @lektzz what do you mean?


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I don't want to make new thread. Anyone played warframe? The question is the same, the game is F2P, but is it P2W? Btw @lektzz what do you mean?



he means that all F2P games have atleast 1 paying option


in hs u can get anything a paying user has,but with alot of rng/time

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