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Back in Yak


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1. Back in Yak - http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=30492/back-in-yak

2. The objective of this quest is to take a clean yak from Lao & Son's Yakwash to Lucky Eightcoins in The Grummle Bazaar. There were some clean yaks near the yakwash that count towards the quest, they were marked as "Bring Yak Herd to Lucky Eightcoins 0/1" but they can't be killed because it says 'invalid target', and can't interact with them either.

3. When you pick up the quest, they yaks should follow you to Grummle Bazaar. Or, in Pandawow, you should be able to interact with the yaks, or at least kill them.

4. x10

5. 22.May.2015

6. 5/10 This quest counts to http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=6538/slum-it-in-the-summit

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