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Thank you & Goodbye


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Hello Everyone! :)


I will start of short and then when it goes longer I will make it easier for everyone to read (I know that most people wont read a 3 pages thread)

So yeah for those who do not know who I am, I'm StarCaller, Oscar, I'm 19 years old and I have been a staff member in Pandawow for over a year now. I have been thinking about this for a long long time and I have tried to be as active I can the last few months but with school at it's last weeks I haven't had time for games. And now when I'm done with school I have work to attend too, and that will take up way too much time and i will not be able to help you guys anymore, it's been a awesome year and I made so many friends (& enemies) under my trip in Pandawow. I would make this even more sad if I said I was crying when I type this but sadly I'm not a lair so I wont :D Thank you guys for making me so happy over the past year!


Now for some separate "Thank you"'s


[spoiler=Thank you Zeox]Hey Zeox! I know you are very busy with the Wod project and I hope it ends up well! I wanna thank you for letting me in on this journey, I still remember when U asked me my age and I was so close to lining but I knew it would hurt me in the long run and I was so suprised that you let me in even if I was under 18 (I was 17 at the time), and I still remember the "interview" we had and you told me too read a text about the Ukraine war that was atm "new" news. Thank you again you have always been there if I needed anything!


[spoiler=Thank you Kykla]A big thank you too you Head Game master of Pandawow, you have always helped me if I had any problems, I know we haven't been "best friends" the last months but that is understandable. And if you ever need any help I'm here if U need me, I know you response usually is "There is always someone that can take my place" and I know that but if you ever need ME I'm always on Skype! Thank you!


[spoiler=Thank you Бука]Hello Бука! I know it's sudden and we spoke about working together on wod and so on. But I have realized that I have no time for that in my upcoming "lifestyle". But don't worry if U ever need help with your translations you can always ask me! Your English teacher isn't gone so don't worry! Thank you for always replaying as fast as you can to me and I hope we can keep contact in the future!


[spoiler=Thank you Juster]I don't know what too say Juster, you have always been there if i need something on the forums and u have always answered so fast I don't even have to reload the page before your replay pops up!



And then I would have written a "thank you" to titan aswell but I guess I will have to skip that and just mention that he helped me when I was new to the server.


[spoiler=Thank you Community]Thanks guys! you have made my year here both hard and nice you have tested me and I have tested you and I remember when I started (and still) I was called "MuteCaller" by you guys, but I must say I'm very proud of you, when i login nowdays there is not at all so many rule breakers as it used too be and that I'm glad for. You guys are a bunch of happy and funny players, I have been asked to join several TeamSpeaks and raidcalls with you guys and you have all been nice (most of the time ;) ) some of you guys I been talking more too and some not that much but you are all under the same three and I hope you have a nice time on this server and I hope you give me a call now and then on Skype too keep me updated on how you guys are doing :D



Cheers & regards


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