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plz lower your vote bonuses points!!


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Hi there can u not lower your, bonus points ?


This is just a pain in the ass, 104 days off voteing, to get one damm item wTF!!


THIS IS JUST ridiculous!! how much u ask for 1 good item.


To get whole complete set, or, and weapons, u need, let say, a 1256 days off voteing wtf.


In other words, u must donate or vote, 1256 days wth, who have a life ?


Or just stay low in gear, and be a target practice for others.


what is the fun, of a free private server, that u cant get the items, we need to have some fun ?


i know u pay for server but that is your choice.

to give if u can, and donate, should be choice for others if u can offcorse.


But here, it is just a nother pay to win game. if u want to have some fun on 10x or 100x server.


Why so expensive ? its all free for god sake!! it is just sad, how every one thinks, they can set up server, and let get others pay for it, smarth he!!


I realy hate it, when u want it, but cant get it, but u need it, to get some fun, or be a target practice.


sorry for the complain but it is the truth.

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Hi there can u not lower your, bonus points ?


This is just a pain in the ass, 104 days off voteing, to get one damm item wTF!!


THIS IS JUST ridiculous!! how much u ask for 1 good item.


To get whole complete set, or, and weapons, u need, let say, a 1256 days off voteing wtf.


In other words, u must donate or vote, 1256 days wth, who have a life ?


Or just stay low in gear, and be a target practice for others.


what is the fun, of a free private server, that u cant get the items, we need to have some fun ?


i know u pay for server but that is your choice.

to give if u can, and donate, should be choice for others if u can offcorse.


But here, it is just a nother pay to win game. if u want to have some fun on 10x or 100x server.


Why so expensive ? its all free for god sake!! it is just sad, how every one thinks, they can set up server, and let get others pay for it, smarth he!!


I realy hate it, when u want it, but cant get it, but u need it, to get some fun, or be a target practice.


sorry for the complain but it is the truth.


I don't really see the problem with the cost of anything in the store. I've been playing without spending a single cent on this server, and I've geared about 10+ characters to ilvl 550. And I'm a casual player. I don't log in for 6hrs straight every single day. I've sold some of these characters and have a bunch of bonuses - all for free. These bonuses are only used for either convenience or vanity items. If you aren't willing to spend time to gear up, then just quit. If you're spending bonuses on the store to get items that can be earned in the game, why are you even playing on this server. The way you phrase it is basically a worse version of retail since you're using precious bonuses on things you can get in the game if you invest time into it. Ironically, this server is a lot better money-wise. But somehow you make it seem it's impossible to progress in the server without paying.

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