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Legendary transmog not working.

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Posted (edited)

1. Name of not working NPC: Legendary transmog NPC.

2. Description of the problem: Legendary weapon http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=71086 can't be transmogged on my mage. I click first option on NPC, but nothing happens. Obviously I have gold to afford it and I have staff in my bags.

3. How it must work: It should transmog my current weapon to legendary weapon.

4. Date when you tested it. 26.06.2015

5. Realm: x100

6. Priority of the problem: 2/10

Edited by olbaa

"- Implemented the possibility transmog legendary items, now it can be done via a special NPC, which stands in the capital city (near NPC for the usual trance), the cost of one item trance 20,000 gold."


Stop comenting things you don't know and read first ;D

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