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Legendary Cloak


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Name of Ability: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=146195/flurry-of-xuen


Description of the Issue: Every single time the legendary cloak procs on warriors in arenas, it is not scaled down at all, and crits over 120ks. Procs way more often than usual, and needs to be nerfed. It is making me not want to queue 3s anymore because the KFC comp is abusing it. The warrior damage is much higher than it's supposed to be, and they are always critting 200ks+ due to legendary cloak.


Video Proof: I constantly queue 3s on the server and livestream it, http://www.twitch.tv/setfenv has recordings of KFC abusing this and proof that the warrior is using the cloak.


Date: 07/06/15


This bug is on every single realm (100x/10x/Fun)

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Name of Ability: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=146195/flurry-of-xuen


Description of the Issue: Every single time the legendary cloak procs on warriors in arenas, it is not scaled down at all, and crits over 120ks. Procs way more often than usual, and needs to be nerfed. It is making me not want to queue 3s anymore because the KFC comp is abusing it. The warrior damage is much higher than it's supposed to be, and they are always critting 200ks+ due to legendary cloak.


Video Proof: I constantly queue 3s on the server and livestream it, http://www.twitch.tv/setfenv has recordings of KFC abusing this and proof that the warrior is using the cloak.


Date: 07/06/15


This bug is on every single realm (100x/10x/Fun)


u cant even get the cloak on x10/x100, but i'd like it to get added and fixed. think its fun to have legendaries, but only to a point where it doesnt change the fact that if you win or not with it.


idk if its bugged tho, never tried it during live, so ye. if its bugged then fix it lol. :P

Edited by Rankzero
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u cant even get the cloak on x10/x100, but i'd like it to get added and fixed. think its fun to have legendaries, but only to a point where it doesnt change the fact that if you win or not with it.


idk if its bugged tho, never tried it during live, so ye. if its bugged then fix it lol. :P


You can get it on x10. Idk about 100x. I got the cloak though ( Agility )


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