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3vs3 Tournament on FUN


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Hello PandaWoW-Staff, :pandaren:


a few season ago there was a 3vs3 Tournament on 100x, is there any progress about a tournament on 100x or on fun again ?


If the case would be, that the next tournament is on 100x again, please give the players that will parcipate a chance to transfer their character to the tournament with the character they will play. Its alot easier then having to buy or reroll a new char on the server.


Would love to have about any progress of a server tournament, apperantly this is atm. the only MoP server, tournament and other stuffs helps the server & the players to get more players (since the 3vs3 qeueus are dead).


Also about the Crossrealm RBG, and arenas. When will it be able to use ?



Chiv. :monk:

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Also if someone from Pandawow streamed the top 8 teams facing off on twitch, it would give Pandawow a REALLY good amount of publicity, and probably lead to a helluva lot of people coming and checking out the servers - (even without a commentator).

Edited by Titanx
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