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Can u explain me this ?


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Hey, me as monk and my friend as dpriest are causal player around 1800 elo but what makes me mad is loose 5 arenas in a row cause explosive shot exploit, its hard to understand how can fu**king hunter deal 100k+ per explosive shot tick=300k in total... adding image...[ATTACH=CONFIG]87588[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]87589[/ATTACH]
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yup i saw this as well when i came back ... its insanely bugged .... survival should be about small ticks but fast which makes it bursty ...not like random survival hunters deal the same damage as a warrior slam which costs 25 rage and explosive shot is reset like every single second XD
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why isn't my hunter bugged?


Every hunter is bugged.You just need to make perfect setup for your dmg.When ur trinket procs,swordguard,pop the other trinket,black arrow>wyvern or whatever that sting is called>Explosive Shot>Gz you killed the target

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Since nobody is doing nothing with this kind of bug, I will be posting pics of how dumb is it to face that hunter with abuse that (dunno how they are doing it) [ATTACH=CONFIG]88338[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]88339[/ATTACH]
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