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Posted (edited)

Uhm...did you not fully read what I've said?

Besides player made reports on the forum, GMs are free to investigate anyone at any time. They don't just ban people who have been reported, they go the extra mile and investigate players randomly or from hearsay.

I cannot get suspended because I haven't broken any rule. I WAS a GM, I'm NOT a GM anymore!

The way I comment is pertinent and factual, just like the work I've put in for this server. I don't hold grudges, I don't hate anyone, I don't have any enemies here, I don't have reasons to accuse anyone of something they didn't do, I have no interest in gaining rating on either of the arena brackets. If you played here on pandawow for a long time, you would know who I am and what I did.

Edited by Antilogic
-warriors USED to do more sustained damage because of a bug related to mastery, that would double proc AND caused procs to proc from other procs. Also, warriors are using the PvE axe wich gives them alot more DPS then the prideful weapon.

-Absolutezero is NOT a legit DK. He was banned for several bug abuses and exploits, including: haste stacking exploit, reforge exploit, professions exploit. I was the one who banned him twice, I don't know how many other times he got banned by other GMs.

-DK isn't easy to play, it's actually very hard to master the class, but compared to other classes it does look easy.

-DK/Mistweaver is THE easyest comp, right next to warr+resto, warr+MW or DK+resto

-druid/hunter comps are only strong if the druid is VERY skilled. Hunters are the second easyest class to kill in the game. I can kill a hunter on my DK with 3 healers healing him.

-I have spectated numerous of their games, wich resulted in both players getting banned for exploits or bug abuse.

-Absolute and his druid aren't best. Absolute is a clicker and backpeddler with scripted damage(exploit) and his druid abuses glyphed Fairie Fire in bear form, for 3 seconds of Silence EVERY 6 seconds, so essentially ever 3 seconds.

-You need to spectate more DKs. You'll see there are alot of good ones out there who actually know how to use Dark Simulacrum. Also, there are better spells to steal then Cyclone. Ever stole a 250k hitting Chaos Bolt? :)

-Noneedholy isn't bashing people because they are good, he's bashing them because they got to be known as "good" purely because of bug abusing and/or exploiting several game mechanics.


Dude, are u serious? Absolute is a clicker? How the fuck do u know hes a clicker? Do you have a camera in his room or something? I don't fucking get this server, if someone is good and rank one they're somehow abusing..? Why cant you jus accept that they are good players? Monk/dk has equal cc as resto/mage, resto/hunter..? are u fucking retarded? If my friend read this he would probably kill you irl. Stealing a fucking chaos bolt isn't fucking 3k material dude, You can see that shit coming at u from fucking china, stealing a block,bubble or clone is way more impressive. I do spectate all dks I see and they fucking suck seriously. I didn't say holy was bashing players I said he was bashing my class which I didn't like, because he plays a retarded class aswell (warriors)


We have this thing on pandawow called "Spectate Arena", we even have a NPC for it, that allows you to see players currently competing in the arenas. If a player turns his character with his keyboard, he's clicking.

He is abusing, yes, and the few times he got cought red handed with cheating doesn't make a good reputation. If he cheated then, it's most likely he's cheating now.

Resto/hunter is a perfectly viable comp with an extreme CC sequence uncomparable to most other comps. The only flaw of this comp is that Hunters are easy to kill, especially by a DK. Please, don't insult me, I never insulted you, keep this civilised or I will be forced to report your missbehaviour to a forum Moderator.

Stealing a Chaos Bolt is alot better then stealing a Cyclone when your team mate is a Cyclone caster. We have this thing called Diminishing Returns. Even tho everyone can see the Chaos Bolt coming, used wisely, it WILL hit, wich is pretty much "3K MATERIAL". Stealing a block, bubble or close is worthy of the 1.5k bracket, where most DKs just pop Dark Simulacrum whenever and hope for the best.


Noneedholy is bashing your class because Necrotic Strike has double the intended absorb, it's a known bug soon to get fixed(again). He's bashing DKs because the majority of DKs don't really require much skills to get the job done. Outbreak, Necro, Necro, Necro, Soul reaper->Dead is more of a no-brainer then Warriors. At least warriors need to be careful with their reflects and positioning and using their tools at the right time, while a mediocre DK can get kills with just 2 buttons while hiding behind a pillar. Either way, class comparison is VERY subjective, so it's only logical to have different oppinions. I, for example, find warriors weak. I tend to play classes that can overcome warriors or outright tank and kill them, one of those is a DK. I find frost mages A LOT more powerful then warriors, rogues, DKs, retardins, windwalkers and Destro locks. But that's just me ;-)

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We have this thing on pandawow called "Spectate Arena", we even have a NPC for it, that allows you to see players currently competing in the arenas. If a player turns his character with his keyboard, he's clicking.

He is abusing, yes, and the few times he got cought red handed with cheating doesn't make a good reputation. If he cheated then, it's most likely he's cheating now.

Resto/hunter is a perfectly viable comp with an extreme CC sequence uncomparable to most other comps. The only flaw of this comp is that Hunters are easy to kill, especially by a DK. Please, don't insult me, I never insulted you, keep this civilised or I will be forced to report your missbehaviour to a forum Moderator.

Stealing a Chaos Bolt is alot better then stealing a Cyclone when your team mate is a Cyclone caster. We have this thing called Diminishing Returns. Even tho everyone can see the Chaos Bolt coming, used wisely, it WILL hit, wich is pretty much "3K MATERIAL". Stealing a block, bubble or close is worthy of the 1.5k bracket, where most DKs just pop Dark Simulacrum whenever and hope for the best.


Noneedholy is bashing your class because Necrotic Strike has double the intended absorb, it's a known bug soon to get fixed(again). He's bashing DKs because the majority of DKs don't really require much skills to get the job done. Outbreak, Necro, Necro, Necro, Soul reaper->Dead is more of a no-brainer then Warriors. At least warriors need to be careful with their reflects and positioning and using their tools at the right time, while a mediocre DK can get kills with just 2 buttons while hiding behind a pillar. Either way, class comparison is VERY subjective, so it's only logical to have different oppinions. I, for example, find warriors weak. I tend to play classes that can overcome warriors or outright tank and kill them, one of those is a DK. I find frost mages A LOT more powerful then warriors, rogues, DKs, retardins, windwalkers and Destro locks. But that's just me ;-)


Do you have any proof? Like a forum post or anything? You keep talking about it but you're not giving any proof. You obviously didn't understand what I mean by stealing a chaos bolt but ok, and reporting me to a forum moderator go ahead lol. I don't spend my day on this forum like you do. I only posted here in the first place because this guy was bashing my class. A dk getting a kill with 2 buttons..? Any exprienced player can destroy a bad dk its just sad. PS if stealing a chaos bolt is 3k material then I guess reflecting one with spell reflection is 4k material AYE?

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