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mana on destro lock

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Garodar say:

"Its workign properly. Abilities such as incinerate and fel flame consume about 9-10% of your mana. If you spam fel flame or incinerate, its normal to go oom, because no haste. Issue solved."



I have 30% haste on destro lock and i get out of mana... think about no haste destro locks.


http://prntscr.com/83rsy0 ---> 13k mana on destro, this is normal?


http://prntscr.com/83rvb3 ---> 30% haste and i get on 8k mana?


Because no haste = not solved problem


at one point fighting i get on low mana all time, says Out of mana, incinerate and other spells get in grey during 2s almost

Edited by pujo2
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