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Seilou II - Trailer

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Hey guys. I've been working on another priest movie. My first one was recorded on Warmane. This one is recorded here, on Pandawow fun realm.


For those who havent seen my first one, I strongly recommend it.


Seilou I




Here's my new short preview for my next movie (to build up some hype haha).


Seilou II - Trailer




Remember this is just a short preview. I'm currently working on the new one, about 40-70 % completed more or less.

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If u recording 2s try to do some hardcore stuff like shatter - mage\shadow priest

Cuz 2s with healer dps so gay (eZ to play) and unskilled shit

Anyway good music and movie

But dude like i said.. 90% pandawow teams = healer dps . Thats so retarded and disgusting

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