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i am exalted with order of the cloud serpent and i have 3 cloud serpents mount, but i need to get cloud serpent riding but the trainer dont have it. i want buy on the site heaven azure cloud serpent, how can i get cloud serpent riding?

Please help me , thanks


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the problem is that i dont have quest:(


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problem solev, sorry for the inconvenience, so sorry, i will buy mount on the site


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ops, i am so stupid, i think that i have solved problem but when i complete the quest order of the cloud serpent, tha man dont give me quest wild things :(

Wild Things quest is from the female pandaren at Arborteum, it's the 1st and only quest you can take when you start grinding reputation for the Order of the Cloud Serpent, the NPC the quest sends you to (Instructor Tong) will give you the rest of the chain for cloud serpent riding, by the time you finish his chain you'll be exalted with the faction, once the Instructor Tong offers you a quest [Choosing the One] (you unlock it when you complete [beating the Odds], [Empty Nests] and [Egg Collection] ) where you have to select which color serpent you wish to be your first, you MUST select yellow egg,don't worry you can buy other serpents with gold once you get riding, Yellow egg is only one I believe that's not bugged and once you turn in [The Rider's Journey] at Instructor Skythorn you'll get a quest [it's A...], turn that quest in at Elder Anli I believe and you'll get a final quest from a chain [Riding the Skies] all you have to do is take it and turn it back in at Elder Anli, and you're complete, enjoy serpent riding. NOTE: If you don't select the right egg (yellow) there's a high chance that the egg you selected is bugged and you won't be able to complete [Riding the Skies] therefore unable to get Serpent Riding on that character.

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