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New Season


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New season is coming soon i 3 days (I hope) , but there is no sign of any changelogs for absorb bug, RoF not DRing with Deep and not breaking when dealing dmg , Life Cacoon, Jade Wind (antipoly).. I think these bugs are gamebreakers and they are reported way back and you had time to fix it because we , players, are the priority of this server , right? And if we are not then you will see in time players will start leaving (some of them already left). Anyway if season starts without any changelogs we will be bunch of abusers, because why can you use bugged RoF or Images and I cant use Jade Wind?Or those full mastery disc priests showing their full abuse power?
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I really hope season doesnt begin untill at least SOME of those game breaking bugs are fix .. really stupid/annoying doing pvp like that , yet it's called a pvp server lol


I was playing at PTR and on retail.


There was this one match on PTR that I was left on a 1v1 against a warlock. He feared me and I was at like 40%. I tought I was going to die there but the fear broke from the corruption DoT(he was destruction).


I also saw a lot of mages using Ring of Frost on PTR, and I alredy got tense everytime one of them used it, but they just broke from the Living Bomb DoT.


You can't possibly imagine my relief.

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HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA of course GM won't reply to these posts, but only to the crap ones that don't even deserve attention, they are themselves also scared of losing players, but that time will come soon, i myself, also plead for that period to come, just so these "GM's" learn that they have to listen to their players, cause they are the main priority in this game and know what's best for it
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