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[Share] The best Rogue OS Macro

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Hi everyone, I've decided to make a Topic for share mine and make you all able to share your Rogue OS Macro, for my macro I must say than I've special talents(I Have NOT stun poison), glyphs and Stuff (Reforging, geming, enchenting) than I've specialy made for this macro, then I can garanty you guys than NOBODY can survive this macro without use Trinket AND Defensive Buffs, Some class have zero chance to survive this macro,

I've make 2 macros named Step1 and Step2,

(Don't forget to Premeditation ans Slice and Dice before begining the macro),


/castsequence reset=180 Shadow Blade, Cheap Shot, Smoke Bomb, Shadow Dance


Then I use my Agility Buff Potion before the Step2 macro,


/castsequence reset=180 (Your PvP Buff trinket), Garot, Evis, MFD, Evis, Cheap Shop, Garrot, Eviseration

(you must be out of energie now or just before the last eviseration, its hope to your build and your S&D timing)(If your oppener isn't dead, use vanish>wait for 105-115 energy with CC on the enemy>Ambush>BackStab/Hemo>Evis, if you've succed all the macro but your oppener still a life, maybe try tochange your build/geming/enchenting/talents/glyphs)


Carefull: This macro use alls yours offensive CD then use it smartly, don't use smoke bomb in the Step1 if its a 1v1 dual or you'ill fking lost 0,5 CC Time.


I've the pretty same macro withouth SB and smock bomb, I call it NoCdStep1/2 but you need to use more BS or Hemo for get 5 CP then that's using toon of Energy.


Ok then tell me what you think about my macro, share your and enjoy!


+1 Like If you've like it please dudes!


Docran, 2K6 rogue on official WoW!


/castsequence reset=180 (Your PvP Buff trinket), Garot, Evis, MFD, Evis, Cheap Shop, Garrot, Eviseration

(you must be out of energie now or just before the last eviseration, its hope to your build and your S&D timing)(If your oppener isn't dead, use vanish>wait for 105-115 energy with CC on the enemy>Ambush>BackStab/Hemo>Evis, if you've succed all the macro but your oppener still a life, maybe try tochange your build/geming/enchenting/talents/glyphs)


You didn't actually give the macro, they have spelling errors and there are variations.


Anyway, good job, thanks for sharing.

Posted (edited)

the idea of your macro is not bad but I can see some flaws in it...

first off you have a smoke bomb in your start and I'd suggest binding that skill to a separate button since it's critical to use in the right time

secondly, you use Shadow Dance right after the bomb but you are still in Subterfuge (you've only spend 2 GC by that time) and you follow it with a Garrote, which you can just use thanks to the Subterfuge talent as I mentioned. The problem is that you do a double evisc right after the Garrote and you don't utilize the full potential of Shadow Dance at all (that's a total of 3 seconds dancing wasted).

and finally, if you are going to burst just do it the right way - pop all your agility stuff+shadow dance and drums in the start so you can maximise the auto-attack damage. After all that's about 30% of your burst (~50k dps vs players)


anyway.. I'd share my macros (yes it's not a single one it's more like 5-6 which I combine and use in different situations) but I'm on my mac now...


PS one-shot macros for rogues are easily predictable and usually tend to assume that your target is always stunned and locked in place which in 50% of the scenarios is not the case; that's why you need to be able to lock your target anytime during burst and still not fuck up your rotation. That's something you can't do by spamming one button and is how you distinguish a good rogue from a bad one

Edited by dotadoom
Posted (edited)
the idea of your macro is not bad but I can see some flaws in it...

first off you have a smoke bomb in your start and I'd suggest binding that skill to a separate button since it's critical to use in the right time

secondly, you use Shadow Dance right after the bomb but you are still in Subterfuge (you've only spend 2 GC by that time) and you follow it with a Garrote, which you can just use thanks to the Subterfuge talent as I mentioned. The problem is that you do a double evisc right after the Garrote and you don't utilize the full potential of Shadow Dance at all (that's a total of 3 seconds dancing wasted).

and finally, if you are going to burst just do it the right way - pop all your agility stuff+shadow dance and drums in the start so you can maximise the auto-attack damage. After all that's about 30% of your burst (~50k dps vs players)


anyway.. I'd share my macros (yes it's not a single one it's more like 5-6 which I combine and use in different situations) but I'm on my mac now...


PS one-shot macros for rogues are easily predictable and usually tend to assume that your target is always stunned and locked in place which in 50% of the scenarios is not the case; that's why you need to be able to lock your target anytime during burst and still not fuck up your rotation. That's something you can't do by spamming one button and is how you distinguish a good rogue from a bad one


Look, the first source of damage of the macro is garrot then you must have all your buff before using it, but the Agility Buff potion cancel your subterfuge in pandawow, this is a bug, that's why you must pop Shadow Dance BeFore using your buffs cuz buff are more important than shadow dance cuz ambush use toon of energy, and if all the macro succed, your oppener will die before the and of shadow dance,

And, SB is 3Min couldown, this is your most powerfull skill, when you use it your oppener must die! That's why when you're in bg or in arena, you better put smock bomb before continue everythink or you could be fuked by the allie of your oppener,

But, against more skilled player, of course I don't open with the macro, like I said you must use it smartly cuz if you use it dumbly this wil fail toon of time,

Maybe you'ill need to do others skill during the macro, or maybe you'ill prefere to don't use the macron that's hope of you but this topic just share some rogue macro not rogues game types, but its true sometimes I don't need all this for kill my enemy, sometimes I make others skils during the macro and sometimes I just don't use the macro cuz I think this is not the best option in some situations, sometimes I just fail the macro cuz my ennemy just trinket and defensive buff, like you said I just use the macro at 50% of the case, but this still macro give you all chances to kill your enemy

Edited by Docrat
Posted (edited)

PS: I'm playing on Mac too :)


- - - Updated - - -

"You didn't actually give the macro, they have spelling errors and there are variations"

Yes this is try but its still giving the idea of the macro, people aren't stupid they will fix it :P

I prefer to do everything by myself instead of use a castsequence macro, anyway, thanks for sharing."

Its hope to you :)

Edited by Docrat
Posted (edited)
Look' date=' the first source of damage of the macro is garrot then you must have all your buff before using it, but the Agility Buff potion cancel your subterfuge in pandawow, this is a bug, that's why you must pop Shadow Dance BeFore using your buffs cuz buff are more important than shadow dance cuz ambush use toon of energy, and if all the macro succed, your oppener will die before the and of shadow dance[/quote']


your damage starts from your autoattacks which start right after your cheap shot. Also who cares if the potion will break subterfuge? I use those miliseconds before garrote/cheapshot. I guess you still don't see why you are wasting 3sec of Shadow Dance but I don't have time to explain it again. Also most of my targets die before poping SD on the first place; so I kinda have two burst (backstab does about 66% of the damage ambush deals so it's usually enough to finish your target after the tons of SB+double evisc damage)



fyi my main hand auto-attack does 30k crits during SB burst and the attack speed goes around 0.7 sec per hit (with drums), add the 50% additional from off-hand and also the posion damage; exclude the misses and you still get over 60k dps from auto attack. Investing in increasing that from the beginning's worth it


so the general idea is

pop all dps cds/pots and stuff (except Shadow Dance) (this part takes miliseconds so you are still in Subterfuge) -> Gorrote -> Cheap Shot (or the other way around for some classes) -> now you have 5 combo points so you do double evisc

after that you'd have dealt so much damage (5sec of autoattack+2 evisc) that your target has to pop all def cds to survive, otherways you finish it (with or without SD) and if it pops defs cds, you can wait and re-open after that with a Shadow Dance stun-lock combo

Edited by dotadoom
can some1 delete this post from this random pleb ?


castsequence macro... i have to laugh

I know right ? As if everything is gonna go according to plan rofl. 2k6 rouge yeah.


Why people are negatif like that x)

If you don't like it don't care about it x)


- - - Updated - - -


your damage starts from your autoattacks which start right after your cheap shot. Also who cares if the potion will break subterfuge? I use those miliseconds before garrote/cheapshot. I guess you still don't see why you are wasting 3sec of Shadow Dance but I don't have time to explain it again. Also most of my targets die before poping SD on the first place; so I kinda have two burst (backstab does about 66% of the damage ambush deals so it's usually enough to finish your target after the tons of SB+double evisc damage)



fyi my main hand auto-attack does 30k crits during SB burst and the attack speed goes around 0.7 sec per hit (with drums), add the 50% additional from off-hand and also the posion damage; exclude the misses and you still get over 60k dps from auto attack. Investing in increasing that from the beginning's worth it


so the general idea is

pop all dps cds/pots and stuff (except Shadow Dance) (this part takes miliseconds so you are still in Subterfuge) -> Gorrote -> Cheap Shot (or the other way around for some classes) -> now you have 5 combo points so you do double evisc

after that you'd have dealt so much damage (5sec of autoattack+2 evisc) that your target has to pop all def cds to survive, otherways you finish it (with or without SD) and if it pops defs cds, you can wait and re-open after that with a Shadow Dance stun-lock combo

The macro Still OS your enemy don't worry

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