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cant race change from night elf to worgen

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i just payed 150 bonuses for a race change from night elf female to a male worgen when i click on save it just turns me in to a male night elf ... i can still click on the race change button tho ! so i can basicly change my gender all i want but i cant go worgen can a gm please change my druid Asshh from night elf to male worgen i basicly payed 150 bonuses for nothing this is not acceptable !
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@Manofdreads, a lot of druids were having this issue race changing from worgen to night elf or vice versa, if I had any solution in mind except "Don't do it, it doesn't work" I'd tell you for sure, also druids that managed to race change from nelf to worgen were saying that they still have certain night elf racials, or that they can't change forms as a worgen. I could look for a solution but I don't want you to waste another 150 bonuses to try, I'll leave Gm's to race change you... if they want to.
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@Manofdreads, a lot of druids were having this issue race changing from worgen to night elf or vice versa, if I had any solution in mind except "Don't do it, it doesn't work" I'd tell you for sure, also druids that managed to race change from nelf to worgen were saying that they still have certain night elf racials, or that they can't change forms as a worgen. I could look for a solution but I don't want you to waste another 150 bonuses to try, I'll leave Gm's to race change you... if they want to.


Thats the point though they HAVE to seeing that bonuses are their real money payment method I.E it means that i used real money to race change AND that money went in to the server AND i got nothing for it although i tried to use one of their services for paying this is just unacceptable if some random gm just comes and says we are sorry but we cant race change you we dont give a shit that you payed 150 bonuses fuck you we're too lazy to do it i just ... dont know dude ... this was really important to me since i wanted to make montages with wow model viewer and being a worgen meant that i could add in parts where the worgen roars etc i would make it really cool but noooo pandawow ....


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nickname by account name or ? in case its not my druid's name is Asshh realm is fun


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and also does the race change include gender and name change ? since i wanted it to be a male worgen named Manofdreads if possible thanks allot if you can do it :)

PS: i am sorry if you took the last post offensive towards you i was just really mad sorry dude and thanks for the help

Edited by Manofdreads
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