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Metamorphosis [Touch of Chaos & Chaos Wave]


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Spells: Touch of Chaos & Chaos Wave








Issue with the spells: Touch of Chaos and Chaos Waves are doing magical damage.


How it should be: Touch of Chaos and Chaos Wave, including anything with "chaos" type of damage is considered a physical damage not magical. The proof is that they dont go through cloak of shadows and they should. I'll get some proofs for this asap. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7200064556


Date when tested: 29.8.2015.


Servers: Fun/x10/x100


Priority: 6/10. Demo locks can't kill through cloak and they should be able to. Not a big deal, but it sometimes takes away from my damage.

Edited by Garodar
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Spells: Touch of Chaos & Chaos Wave








Issue with the spells: Touch of Chaos and Chaos Waves are doing magical damage.


How it should be: Touch of Chaos and Chaos Wave, including anything with "shadowflame" type of damage is considered a physical damage not magical. The proof is that they dont go through cloak of shadows and they should. I'll get some proofs for this asap.


Date when tested: 29.8.2015.


Servers: Fun/x10/x100


Priority: 4/10. Demo locks can't kill through cloak and they should be able to. Not a big deal, but it sometimes takes away from my damage.


^ the links he provided are npc (monster) skills :crazy:

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