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Lock and Load - Survival - bugged after new fixes


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Spell: Lock and Load

Class: Hunter - Survival spec

Link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=168980/lock-and-load#comments


How it should work: Normally, when you cast Black Arrow ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=3674/black-arrow ) a hunter should have a 20% chance to get a Lock and Load proc ( 2 free Explosives Shots) starting from the first tick of the Black Arrow. The proc can occur more than one time per Black Arrow as it can proc at every tick of the DoT .


Note: I'm not 100% sure with the MoP 5.4.8 changes, I might be wrong, but a Hunter should get at least 1 proc of Lock and Load on every 1 arrow. That means , when you cast Black Arrow, sooner or later, the Hunter is going to receive at least 1 proc.


Problem: Currently, many Survival Hunters have problems with this proc mechanism. Lock and Load procs only from Freezing Trap (http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=43414/freezing-trap) .


Proof: I shoot only Black Arrow on the dummy and Auto Shoot . As you can see the Black Arrow continues to make ticks, but no proc, no 2 free Explosive Shots. As I am aware, it should proc at least once. I tried this for 15 min in a row, fixed the char and still nothing. I talked to other hunters and they too experience this.


Priority: 10/10 as Explosive and Lock and Load are the main dps abilities of a Survival Hunter.









I hope you consider this thread ! Thank you!

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Damage is something different than mechanic. By your logic , hunters shouldnt get procs at all cause they do big damage. Big damage is another subject, I am talking about the proc mechanism which should by all means work as it should. Somehow it got bugged after the fixes from the changelog.


Please read what I posted . Right now you're talking about a different thing .


We shouldn't fix bugged damage with a bugged proc mechanism. You fix the damage and fix the mechanic.

Edited by Edelweiss323
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A bug is not fixed with another bug.


You do not fix the lack of procs with the anormal damage, instead you fix the procs and the damage. This is the kind of thinking that has led the server to all these bugs.


If there isn't a bug report alredy about the explosive shot, do one so you can prove that you seek balance. Or don't do anything at all, you don't have to prove anything to anyone here.

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Furmetal, you said it perfectly: ,,a bug is not fixed with another bug'' . That's what I tried to explain.


The procs worked fine before the changelog . After changelog, they bugged them so they dont work at all now. Procs must be fixed. After that, damage could be fixed too .

Edited by Edelweiss323
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Need to agree with Noneed here, since ES is doing high dmg than it should.


It procs for my hunt too. Additionally, it has 20% to proc, by that means, is that it can/(NOT) Proc from the ticks.


And, i don't see any "proof" ... Try to demonstrate in a video.


Try to take a look in the comment's here http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/13020742251

Edited by Nemifest
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Frost, I talked with other hunters on 10x and on Fun . THey told me it doesn't proc for them . On 100x a hunter told me he has no problems with Black Arrow procs. Probably changelog affected only a part of us ... don't know what to say.


Video :


Black Arrow gives no procs at all. If i shoot for 30 min , it won't proc one single time. At the end you can see Freezing Trap gives the proc as it should (100% chance of proc) .

Edited by Edelweiss323
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