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Blizzard CC UI -Again-


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Again we face an issue that the PandaWoW Development team throws at us time and time again.


For every fix there are 5 new bugs or things not working, this time it's the Blizzard CC UI.

2 Days ago it worked almost perfectly, after recent fixes it stopped working (again...)

I don't see any reason for that not being fixed in less then a week.


The problems with the way that PandaWoW fixes bugs, When 1 bug is fixed or 1 spell is working correctly 5 other things that were working fine before stop working.

Why is that? is it so painfully hard to fix a bug without breaking/bugging something else that already works/been fixed?


Is it that hard to patch something without causing more crashes more bugs and wrong scaling/damage and healing calculations?

I see no reason for this to go on...

Just fix things without ruining something else. If every server can do that i am pretty sure that PandaWoW can with it's vast Developing team.


The way that PanadaWoW fixes bugs and edits the server can be compared to screwing a screw to a wall with a hammer, It takes time but you do it eventually, tho when you do the wall has a huge hole in it...

Edited by jackredskull
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Is it that hard to patch something without causing more crashes more bugs and wrong scaling/damage and healing calculations?

I see no reason for this to go on...

Just fix things without ruining something else. If every server can do that i am pretty sure that PandaWoW can with it's vast Developing team.


The way other server is with 5.4.8 is nearly the same, ***Mane is on 5.4 or something, ***Freakz is at nearly the same point as pandawow, just a bit further. *****shan just got "upgraded" to firestorm and not so long ago, it's patch got to 5.4.8


If you know anything about dev's etc etc. Then show pandawow instead of QQ'ing.

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I am not QQing...

This is the only way to show PandaBug or to talk to them other then that they don't give 2 shits about anything people that are not russian are saying, and you know that...


Tho i am sure that if i was a sole dev working on a server myself i would probably have done a much better job than PandaBug are doing.

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So , apply for dev instead of posting a rage topic or gtfo


Here are some stuff he is going to need.


A database editor







The base programming language used by world of warcraft







Some headache pills for posts like his







Some extra stuff







And experience






Edited by Furmetal
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