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u srs ?


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"- Fixes to the spell http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=73975 canceled. Because if this spell have bugged damage, problem with damage have other reason."


srs ? i mean was it / is it only necro dmg ? Lol after they get fixed, dk's had to stun you or silence to stack necrotic on you / kill you / force deff cd´s. and now they gonna roll over you as before ...

they actually didn't hit you like a raidboss anymore.


really want to know what some devs here thought while removeing that fix


beside of that also another question, someone has a simple idea how the actually fck lock is doing that much dmg ? i mean i would like to report that but since im not playing that class and i have no idea how they can do dmg like 3 warriors i would really like to understand that. Ofc affliction was strong on retail, like one of the best specs in 3s actually overall, but still the dmg right here is by far more op than it was on retail.


that should be less a QQ thread, it should be more a thread where ppl can write in what exactly is bugged with which classes ( lock + dk atm ) and if they have some ideas. I would like to collect a few ideas




Edited by Noneedholy
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Aaaaaand another butthurted kid writing a thread about ''op'' classes. And how they should nerf them bcuz they lost in 2s/3s.


ever dueled them?


you can't run away because gay cc breakers+chillblains while they dispel all your buffs

you'll take massive damage while getting all your healing absorbed

aura mastery? lol 3 stuns



@Furmetal affli's fear doesn't break that fast beause...idk lol mine breaks on first crit but affli is gay, lets blame it

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