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Rapair pvp


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Hello, iam frustrated as hell so i made my monk iam at like 227k hp how the fck am i supposed to gear up in bgs when i get same thrash in team like i am. Like today i played 5 bgs 5 lost bcs my team was total garbage and their was like 500k + everyone like they had 950k lock wtf our best was 500k monk. Why dont you make system like ilvl bgs. 400-, 400+, 500+ and 550 so everyone can enjoy bgs. Now when i see even that garbage afking every bg i want to delete this game. Fuking repair it jesus it cant be that hard. (btw. i know how to gear up i have some 550) I want to enjoy gearing up not rage afking bgs.. same goes for ally idk if it is just my fuking bad luck or your system is total garbage cya.. thats my opinion on bgs on this server total garbage. Repair it as soon as possible. Peace
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On Blizzard, as far as I remember, there was no such thing as an ilvl BG system, and this server tries to make it as blizzlike as it can while maintaining its fun features, therefore it is very probably that they are not going to develop an entire system(that by the way can be easily circumvented) while there are other special things to be solved.


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While making a new system for low item level characters is hard and easily exploited (que with low gear and when you are in BG, and when you are in you equip 550 ilvl gear), some catch up mechanic for x100 is very much needed because now the two realms are merged, while on the Fun realm everyone starts of with tyrannical gear and on x100 you start with what ever shit you find on mobs, and if you do not have enough money you can't even start with contenders gear (and even that gear is shit compared to grievous and prideful).


Having low geared players on your or the opposing team is no fun at all, since they can't do jack vs tyrannical geared players while grievous and prideful one shot them.

So all in all a catch up mechanic would be very nice for x100.

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On Blizzard, as far as I remember, there was no such thing as an ilvl BG system, and this server tries to make it as blizzlike as it can while maintaining its fun features, therefore it is very probably that they are not going to develop an entire system(that by the way can be easily circumvented) while there are other special things to be solved.



i lold

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and this server tries to make it as blizzlike



I can not believe this guy has said this is the lie that neither believed



people from fun and x100 in same bg or arena,


1) people from fun server they have advantages in professions in fun they have 2 crafting for pvp the resources and materials is free

2) in x100 the player dont sell or buy, why? create account and pass material from fun server to x100 in bg with trade

3) if any player use hack, it banned for time, understand if any use hack the the punishment must be permanet ban "for ever"

4) you are afraid that people leave the server these changes made make people go

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1)undergeared players on x100 will face geared opponents regardless of the realm

2)Trading in BGs/arena is useless, the sum is reimbursed as soon as the BG is over or the player leaves.

3)I agree completely. Cheating should result in IP ban at least

4)people come and go all the time, what makes most leave is lack of care for the server, wich isn't the case. Yet.

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While making a new system for low item level characters is hard and easily exploited (que with low gear and when you are in BG, and when you are in you equip 550 ilvl gear), some catch up mechanic for x100 is very much needed because now the two realms are merged, while on the Fun realm everyone starts of with tyrannical gear and on x100 you start with what ever shit you find on mobs, and if you do not have enough money you can't even start with contenders gear (and even that gear is shit compared to grievous and prideful).


Having low geared players on your or the opposing team is no fun at all, since they can't do jack vs tyrannical geared players while grievous and prideful one shot them.

So all in all a catch up mechanic would be very nice for x100.



We not planned to make custom ilvl scaling.

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