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Necrotic strike formula is wrong

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Posted (edited)

Realm - 100x and Fun


Spell - Necrotic Strike(removed in Warlords of Draenor, therefore no wowhead link).


Date tested - 03/10/2015


Description - The necrotic strikes currently have their formula bugged, making it higher than it should(click spoiler to see my calculations), ignoring armor.



1 necrotic strike on a NPC(dummy) - 134686

1 necrotic strike on me - 26167

My resilience - 80.38%

My armor - 20958(31.18% damage reduction)


80.38% of 134686 = 108260 (resilience absorption)

134686-108260 = 26425 (resulting damage with resilience)

31.18% of 26425 = 8239 (armor absorption)

26425-8239 = 18186 (correct resulting damage)


All done without procs.



I tested this with a tyrannical death knight(thanks Nemifest) on my full prideful feral druid, so the necrotic strikes can get much more bigger, which makes most of the death knights at higher rates abuse necrotic strikes, being able to build them freely.


How it should work - Necrotic strike should be affected by armor.


Priority - 10/10, makes death knights win matches even if they didn't deserve to.


If there is any proofs needed(such as the amount each necrotic strike does, my armor, my resilience, the death knight, please tell me on this thread and I'll post them).


Edited by Furmetal
  • Like 1
Let's talk about feral bleeds, shall we? What is more OP, a 20k necro or 80k bleed ticks? Rip 80k rake 80k all u do is /afk and let the enemy die. DK necros are the last thing to be fixed in this server IN MY opinion.
Posted (edited)
DMG is legit. Your calcs are missing the fact that dummies have 20-25% armor as well (plus I bet you are comparing min dmg on a dummy vs max dmg on a player) Edited by dotadoom
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Posted (edited)
DMG is legit.


Indeed, the absorb that isn't.


Your calcs are missing the fact that dummies have 20-25% armor as well (plus I bet you are comparing min dmg on a dummy vs max dmg on a player)


I'll search how much does the dummy that we tested has of armor and then edit this post.


@Edit - He did it on the Training Dummy, read Drake1132's comment response and you can see that he has 35%~~45%. Couldn't find a better source.

Edited by Furmetal
Let's talk about feral bleeds, shall we? What is more OP, a 20k necro or 80k bleed ticks? Rip 80k rake 80k all u do is /afk and let the enemy die. DK necros are the last thing to be fixed in this server IN MY opinion.


are...you...fucking....kidding me ?

necrotic is buged and thats nothing new. tbh i have no fucking idea what exactly is bugged but this absorbs are simply not legit.

And please .. if people never played retail, don't write in here ( just say )

  • Developers
Necrotic strike should be affected by armor.

Phisycal damage yes. Healing absorb debuff no. Here is screenshot from PTR 5.4.x with necrotic strike absorb: http://s003.radikal.ru/i201/1403/96/1f16a407503d.jpg


My stats is: 30768 attack power, 42.72% pvp power. Target have 80% resilience.

Formula for absorb from necrotic strike: Attack power * 2.25 * pvp power * (1 - Resilience) = 30768 * 2.25 * 1.4272 * 0.2 = 19760 (Same as screenshot. Have a small difference, but im sure thats because of rounding or something like this).


As you can see, armor is not calculated here.


My stats is: 30768 attack power, 42.72% pvp power. Target have 80% resilience.

Formula for absorb from necrotic strike: Attack power * 2.25 * pvp power * (1 - Resilience) = 30768 * 2.25 * 1.4272 * 0.2 = 19760 (Same as screenshot. Have a small difference, but im sure thats because of rounding or something like this).


As you can see, armor is not calculated here.


All necrotic strikes deal the same amount of absorb, this is a thing that I noticed while testing with Nemifest, the numbers never varied.

Phisycal damage yes. Healing absorb debuff no. Here is screenshot from PTR 5.4.x with necrotic strike absorb: http://s003.radikal.ru/i201/1403/96/1f16a407503d.jpg


My stats is: 30768 attack power, 42.72% pvp power. Target have 80% resilience.

Formula for absorb from necrotic strike: Attack power * 2.25 * pvp power * (1 - Resilience) = 30768 * 2.25 * 1.4272 * 0.2 = 19760 (Same as screenshot. Have a small difference, but im sure thats because of rounding or something like this).


As you can see, armor is not calculated here.


wow 20k ... wondering how is it possible than (even if its prideful gear on panda) that on pandawow you hit for 100k necrotic / hit :l ?

Posted (edited)
He's a frost death knight. I don't believe they have the same scaling as unholy for necrotic strike.


And unholy death knights has that +35% strenght passive.




Just tested, unholy's necrotic strikes indeed are stronger than a frost's.


Frost's necrotic strike








Unholy's necrotic strike






Edited by Furmetal

I just tested necrotic strike in a duel...

Full pride dk + Visions of Insanity + Pride trink proc + Fallen Crusader proc = 86k absorb per necrotic strike (tested vs a full pride druid)


Please don't fix this.. I like it like this :D (if you haven't noticed yet, I'm a dk)

I just tested necrotic strike in a duel...

Full pride dk + Visions of Insanity + Pride trink proc + Fallen Crusader proc = 86k absorb per necrotic strike (tested vs a full pride druid)


Please don't fix this.. I like it like this :D (if you haven't noticed yet, I'm a dk)


give me 86k fel flames and i'll accept it


Please don't go off topic...


Let's not forget about feral bleeds, spell reflect dr, mirror images, ring, elemental blast, monk dmg calculation and all the other retarded bugs. I would gladly help if needed


Write a bug report.

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