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Staff-only-report a player section


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The suggestion is just like what the title suggests: a report-a-player section only for the staff.


The reason is that htere will only be GMs and the players will not have access, since they tend to spam these threads.


In this thread you(chat mod/GM/etc) would be able to post reports just for other GMs/admins to see, that could be used both to apply some punishments like insulting towards the server/staff or if you're not sure if that situation is muteable.


What do you think?


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Well, if there's a back story to a certain report against a player and that player cannot see nor comment on that report he has no way of..."telling his side of the story" that might change the point of view on the report, though you might not care about that, just thinking out loud.
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Well, if there's a back story to a certain report against a player and that player cannot see nor comment on that report he has no way of..."telling his side of the story" that might change the point of view on the report, though you might not care about that, just thinking out loud.


That's an interesting point of view, but wouldn't the Mute/Ban appeal thread solve it?


This is just a rustic idea, it does need development.

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