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[new] ursoc bug since few days

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Ursoc worked the last weeks fine but since few days it's not working anymore in arena. In a duel its still working.


1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=105737/might-of-ursoc

2. As soon as you go out of bear form you loose all your Hp that you gained from ursoc.

3. The hp buff should stay even outside of form until the buff fade off.

4. 14.10.2015

5. x100 / fun

6. 8/10 as resto druid - our biggest deff cd isn't working anymore. You literally die instantly when you go out of ursoc. 10/10 for balance druids. It makes them completly unplayable on highrating in 2s and 3s .

Edited by Noneedholy
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yes i saw it yesterday. Played against shadowcleave ( lock + dk ololololol) in 3s. As it isnt op enough, i just had to ursoc against dk yolo burst + darksoul godlock burst. So i used ursoc at 20% hp ---> 40% hp go out of bear ---> 5% hp. I had a Huge 4Head face after i died 2 times because of that.
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at least ursoc does not heal for 70% of hp now:brberbrb:


it never does unless the druid plays with a glyph, but now it doesnt heal at all, imo you're using Ursoc for the health boost and if you have no hots on with ursoc up and they are still training you you want to leave bear aka lose all the health u just gained.

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