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testing warlock


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As alot of you guys know, warlock is bugged as fuck. I just want to look for someone who want to help me tomorrow. As i saw on different Mop servers, the haste from lock is bugged there. So it might be the problem here. Also want to test every important spell. Just write it in the comments thanks :)


tomorrow at like 5-6 pm


I'm not the "pro" warlock to say that just in the beggining so please, im just looking for someone who has abit lock xp

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warlocks are fine imo; they just need to fix pvp power for (all classes') pets







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You can report lock as much as you want, it will never get fixed. Most likely only Russians with the brain cell of a monkey plays this class, just like Warriors. Everything Russian locks do is fear into haunt, into fear, and switch target on fear. There is like no good lock on this server. They won't fix it, russian > world. Russian server > humans right. Same shit with Hpriest/Mage in 2s, sheep absorbing orb dmg like come on, no way to make this server worse. But i guess



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Same shit with Hpriest/Mage in 2s, sheep absorbing orb dmg like come on, no way to make this server worse.

Uhm yea.. there it is like the starfall not breaking sheep and ofc another sh*ty change log with no Life Cocoon scale /sad.

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You can report lock as much as you want, it will never get fixed. Most likely only Russians with the brain cell of a monkey plays this class, just like Warriors. Everything Russian locks do is fear into haunt, into fear, and switch target on fear. There is like no good lock on this server. They won't fix it, russian > world. Russian server > humans right. Same shit with Hpriest/Mage in 2s, sheep absorbing orb dmg like come on, no way to make this server worse. But i guess




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