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Pandawow's gamebrakeing bugs in general


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This shouldn't be a bug report ( that's why its not according to the rules ) it's just a overview for the staff to know which bugs should be fixed asap. I guess most of the people will agree that this bugs are most annoying on here. This is a thread about Bugs who are important for PvP.



Surv. Hunter explosive shot :


i can't speak proper russian but as i know it's bugged as hell here on Pandawow and this video :

--> also proofs me that 100k explosives like here on pandawow were never possible.


Glyph of deep freeze still bugged


I guess every mage here understand what im talking about ;)


Ring of frost never break.


everything explained in this report.


Polymorph doesn't break by orb


also everything explained.


Life Cocoon


A shame for EVERY MW player.


Necrotic strike imbalanced



Powerword shield absorb Bug


not affected by dampening AND battle fatigue.


Absorb bugs in general (only about the battle fatigue bug)



Scatter shot into explosive + freeze trap


gives hunter a HUGE mobility buff.


MMR system / display Bug


really really really important !



So this bugs are my top 10 atm.

I bet i forgot alot of important bugs but if you guys want to add something, just let me know and i'll maybe add them unless it's about PvE and not gamebreaking.

Edited by Noneedholy
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This shouldn't be a bug report ( that's why its not according to the rules ) it's just a overview for the staff to know which bugs should be fixed asap. I guess most of the people will agree that this bugs are most annoying on here. This is a thread about Bugs who are important for PvP.



Surv. Hunter explosive shot :


i can't speak proper russian but as i know it's bugged as hell here on Pandawow and this video :

--> also proofs me that 100k explosives like here on pandawow were never possible.


Glyph of deep freeze still bugged


I guess every mage here understand what im talking about ;)


Ring of frost never break.


everything explained in this report.


Polymorph doesn't break by orb


also everything explained.


Life Cocoon


A shame for EVERY MW player.


Necrotic strike imbalanced



Powerword shield absorb Bug


not affected by dampening AND battle fatigue.


Absorb bugs in general (only about the battle fatigue bug)



Scatter shot into explosive + freeze trap


gives hunter a HUGE mobility buff.



So this bugs are my top 9 atm.

I bet i forgot alot of important bugs but if you guys want to add something, just let me know and i'll maybe add them unless it's about PvP and really gamebreaking.


I came

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