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Posted (edited)



Guild "ChilledPeps" is now recruiting!We are an old guild since 5.0.5 and currently have around 900 members, looking to relive the good old memories that we had in this guild!


Guild name:ChilledPeps



Type:PvP/PvE(PvP mostly)

Guild Leader:Weegee


What we offer:World PvP, Arenas,Premades. Raids are anytime a guildie needs them or on a weekly reset.

What we need: Literally nothing, all you need is to be prepared for raids(ilvl 500 for non MoP raids, 530 for ToT and SoO).Every level and ilvl is accepted.



1. Don't Sell In the Guild Chat.

2. Don't badmouth in the guild.

3. Treat all players with respect.

4. Don't Spam/Flood/Beg in the chat.

5. Don't beg for promotions!

6. GBank:Trade items for equal value,use motes to buy trade-able mats/items/gem.Don't Place useless items in GBank.

7.If you're not online for more than 15 days, you'll be kicked.


Achievements: We have completed all working raids and dungeons currently, and we have Realm first: Working as a team.



PUNISHED: muted from guild chat

Member: Joined the guild recently.

Knight: Can now withraw items off the guild bank, has been active and helpful

Raider: specific raiding times.

Guardian: More gbank options.

Avanguard:Rank Hidden due to privacy issues.

Ascendant: Almost Co-GM

Transcendant: Co-GM

Fap Lord: GM


Current roles needed for raids(not fully confirmed): 2tanks(pref prot warr and pala)

Resto sham/priest/mw monk

Arcane mage, combat rogue and shadow priest


REQUIRES SOME raid experience, if you don't know any tactics, we will explain them before the boss.Current raid team is forming atm.

Current raid schedule(for SoO and ToT)

Wednesday and Saturday every week.


If you want to get recruited, simply whisper ANY of our members!


My ingame name: Firechaos


Thread to be continued.

Edited by Frostshotz

hmm i really think about starting to play PvE Lmao ... idk i get bored of the imbalance in PvP so it could be a nice diversified

@frostshotz which class you need atm for your raids and also, is it worth to start PvE here ? I mean if you consider all the pandawow bugs.

hmm i really think about starting to play PvE Lmao ... idk i get bored of the imbalance in PvP so it could be a nice diversified

@frostshotz which class you need atm for your raids and also, is it worth to start PvE here ? I mean if you consider all the pandawow bugs.


We don't care about the classes as long as it's you have fun. We only fill the roles( 2 healers,2/1 tanks,6 dps in 10 raids or 25, but 25 is just pure faceroll in my opinion).And it is definately worth it.


@Chiv just make one, i can level you up but not gear you much, busy atm. Weegee likes bgs tho.


@Stayfjurt sao=ally CP Kappa


I can also boost you guys to 90 and help you get some gear, no problem.


We don't really have many people in our raiding team at the moment, so we're really looking for anything. It's not about whether you have fun, it's about whether I have fun kappa

Posted (edited)

Greetings players! We are forming out main PvE team soon and we will need People for it!

We are in need of:


2 Tank : Prot warrior , Brew Monk (Ret pally as replacement)

2 Healers : MW Monk, Resto Shaman. (Priest with Holy & Disc Spec is viable too)

3 Dps : Arcane mage , BM Hunter , Combat Rogue. ( Shadow priest Is valid too)


-Our Current Roles which are filled

2/2 Tanks : Noneedholy , Chiski

2/3 Healers : Weegee, Maybe chiv, (We are still in need of Resto Shaman)

2/5 Dps : Firechaos , Legacywarri (We are still in need of Arcane mage , Bm Hunter , Combat rogue Or Shadow priest)


If you are any of those needed Classes You can mail me In-Game your Class / Spec / Role / ilvl / PvE Experience. My In-Game name is same like here (Weegee)

If we get a lot of people Which are willing to raid , We will also make ALT Runs for the people which also want to raid ( The people which are not in main Group)

I will Update this message When "If" We get people which are willing to raid, We don't want Slackers which will start qq-ing after 10 Wipes at the boss *Method Wiped 472 Times at Archimonde* We will need Dedicated people which will pay attention During the Raids.


Also , TeamSpeak is Required.

Edited by Weegee
Posted (edited)

Sounds good to me! Well, i used to PvE alot on retail got SoO 7/14 hc and yea.. then i got bored of pve and started with pvp.. now playing pvp all the time gets boring thats why im looking to pve abit..


Here are the classes i play to high-end and can offer to you guys: Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Mistweaver, Holy Priest



Update: Made a mistweaver and its already lvl 90.

Edited by AN735
Posted (edited)
Good News! My friend and I are leveling a char on here now. Im as Monk and he as Resto Shaman, he got multiply times 3000 here, name is Kevyn :shaman: Edited by AN735
i was not very active lately due to real life. my ilvl are mostly 429, and some are lower.(like staff and rings) my main goal is to get all possible mounts, including raid mounts and achievement mounts. so i can raid with you, and not interested in long MoP raids, i mostly want Cata and ICC raids. if you agree i can join you.
Posted (edited)


OR GUARDIAN PRIE ... wait no but idk what i should choose


Prot warr would be nice , since i heard you are skilled with Warrior ;D

Can i count on u ?


- - - Updated - - -


i was not very active lately due to real life. my ilvl are mostly 429, and some are lower.(like staff and rings) my main goal is to get all possible mounts, including raid mounts and achievement mounts. so i can raid with you, and not interested in long MoP raids, i mostly want Cata and ICC raids. if you agree i can join you.


We are aiming mostly for MoP content Mainly ToT & SoO for Gear & Xmog, I can't promiss anything right now since The guild is dying out and we are planning on reviving it but we will do Cata / Wotlk Runs here and there when we gather enough pve dedicated people for it. We also have a Schedule which i made when i had a deal with members when is it suitable for all of them to raid at which time at which day etc... But there are few things which i would like to request from all people which decide to raid with us.


1. No Ninja looting in the raids (Which is an absolute rule for every guild)

2. Do not be late at the raids (If you will be late or gone during the raid Please inform me on time with in-game mail or Forum message)

3. To pay attention to tactics during the raid (To avoid WIPES) *Notify me if you are bad with English language so that i can prepare tactics written on a Notepad*

Those 3 things are main things which i will ask for.


- - - Updated - - -


I have full ret pala, can easily go prot if needed.


You already have me on skype , you know what to do.

Edited by Weegee
Posted (edited)
Prot warr would be nice , since i heard you are skilled with Warrior ;D

Can i count on u ?

nah im a wintrader .. allahuakbarz 90-0 obv wintrader & bad war.

But ye ! maybe @nemifest would sponsor a hord war for me :3 ? so we could both tank ... as you want nemifest :O


666 posts ill never post anything again sry !



Edited by Noneedholy
nah im a wintrader .. allahuakbarz 90-0 obv wintrader & bad war.

But ye ! maybe @nemifest would sponsor a hord war for me :3 ? so we could both tank ... as you want nemifest :O


Prot pally will be a replacement in case Brew monk Or prot warr wont show up. Brewmasters are op on this server :D Btw nice amount posts on the forums Kappa


@Frostshotz That 1,337 Posts comming up soon tho Kappa

well as i said before, if some1 has an account with a fullgeared warrior, and he don't need it... message me :D only have 500 bonuses atm so no way to buy a war on x100 hord :3

1. i couldn't care less about new transmogs or gear. if it happens that i can get a better gear than great. so no ninja loot

2. if you mean i said i would join a raid, and either i got late, or i have to leave before it is over, i message you? sure

3. sure i understand english, but i am not familiar with all WoW keywords, since i never was in a guild which is active before. also do we need some voice software or smtg?


i have a frost mage on x100 as lv90 and a beast master hunter as lv74 (i can switch to arcane and marksmen) so let me know

Posted (edited)
i might gonna transfer my war later. Is there a raid planned today :3?


No , there's not cause we are still in need of people for raiding :) " I hope u don't get bored while we gather people, You can also make a macro and recruit in-game to help ** If you transfer **


- - - Updated - - -


1. i couldn't care less about new transmogs or gear. if it happens that i can get a better gear than great. so no ninja loot

2. if you mean i said i would join a raid, and either i got late, or i have to leave before it is over, i message you? sure

3. sure i understand english, but i am not familiar with all WoW keywords, since i never was in a guild which is active before. also do we need some voice software or smtg?


i have a frost mage on x100 as lv90 and a beast master hunter as lv74 (i can switch to arcane and marksmen) so let me know


Frost / Fire mages are bad for PvE , Arcane mage is the best for PVE so tell me the ExP with your class and what is your Top Dps , and tell me your ilvl. (You can PM Me if you want )

Edited by Weegee

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