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A question regarding the warbringers.


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Hey guys!


Suppose I should first say I'm quite new to the forum and just recently returned to PandaWoW after a long break so in case this has been discussed or brought up in whatever other part of the forum I appologize, but I didn't find any explanation about it. As you all probably know there are 4 locations in Pandaria where the infamous Zandalari Warbringers spawn from which you could be lucky to get a mount in retail. They seem to spawn alright in PandaWoW, but there's no loot except about 15 gold given after killing them. So instead of just simply assuming it's bug and report it as a bug in that part of the forum I wanted to create a thread where I'm asking if it's a bug or if it's simply been implemented that way in PandaWoW to keep those mounts exclusive to either voting or donating for bonuses?


Hopefully someone will be able to reply.


Thank you!

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