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List of rogue bugs thats are annoying me atm.


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So this is just a list, I'll post them to bug tracker when I can be bothered getting evidence.


1. Vanish.

If subterfuge procs and you vanish during the subterfuge for whatever reason, it'll cancel subterfuge and vanish and you'll just be visible.


(Solution: thanks to dotadoom for the suggestion macro:



/cancelaura subterfuge

/cast Vanish




2. Narrow Escape

If someone is stood near you while you are in stealth and a hunter disengages with this talent, it'll hit you and the person stood next to you breaking stealth


3. @lektzz yeah i've had this to, running around in stealth minding my own business and all of a sudden stealth breaks, no subterfuge buff, just completely out of stealth (going to be nearly impossible to get evidence of though :/ )


4. Changing spec and having to relog because the energy bonus from 4pc i believe, bugs out and you are left with 100 energy


(Fixed: they've either fixed this, or you remove a piece of main set gear and put it back on :D)


5. Not sure if it's a latency bug, but you can sap people just as they do dmg to you i.e. if someone saps just as a blind ends, and you use fan of knives and hit them, you can get sapped while in combat




Theres quite a few others i just cant think of them atm, if you know anymore post them below please and i'll try get them all tested and reported :)

Edited by lickmyorbs
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images dont brek anymore. they fix i think?


yup, they did


1. Vanish.

If subterfuge procs and you vanish during the subterfuge for whatever reason, it'll cancel subterfuge and vanish and you'll just be visible.


here, use my macro


#showtooltip Vanish

/cancelaura subterfuge

/use vanish

Edited by dotadoom
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