Adlairo Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 can you guys please stop fucking hating on each other, sad kids turning off each others net. why the fuck do you guys have to be so pist at each other over a game?
Felxprod Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Adlairo said: can you guys please stop fucking hating on each other, sad kids turning off each others net. why the fuck do you guys have to be so pist at each other over a game? I do agree i have repitchs ip but i never have ddosed it pretty much everyone hating me cuz someone told a lie lmao but couldnt fucking care less, also ill fucking report his acc for ip sharing even if its not my ip - - - Updated - - - Chivy said: i'm at work laughing my ass off on what you typed and how desperate you are, cant even write one sentence without insulting, afraid much ? ive passed your ip on 4chan and reddit, you will get raided down, dont worry ix de - - - Updated - - - then don't throw big talks on forums about things you have no idea about Im afraid i wont get ddosed cuz thats not my ip XD amateur imbecile #FeelsBadMan tell them also to send me trojans pls
Noneedholy Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 (edited) Quote I do agree i have repitchs ip but i never have ddosed it ye fuck off now your a worse liar than everyone i know lol... little prick. Also here we see another lie. Sweet how he try to distract from hisself. \ said: Ask Noneed & Repitch if you wanna get DDosed' date=' they're the ONLY one ddosing me and Furmetal since months.[/quote'] source: sorry but all i can say is Edited January 13, 2016 by Noneedholy
Repitchx Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 (edited) Felxprod said: I do agree i have repitchs ip but i never have ddosed it pretty much everyone hating me cuz someone told a lie lmao but couldnt fucking care less, also ill fucking report his acc for ip sharing even if its not my ip - - - Updated - - - ofc you have my ip. like honestly this all started with furmetal wintrading and choosing his wintrading buddies over his job. raou and jugalo shit talked infront of him and they didnt get muted at all soon as i open my mouth, i get muted for 4 hours where is the logic in that? completely retarded. he only did that cause if he muted his friends, they would've reported him for wintrading = he would get banned for 30 days + fired + rating removed so after i found out about it all, i told people about it and they started laughing real hard. furmetal bragging about 2.7 on pwow like it's high rating xD. i reported him obviously, got declined. what happend was that a random guy made a guild "furmetal wintrading rat". now i used to call furmetal that all the time (look at my PP + sig banner), so he obviously thinks it's me. i dont care that he thinks that, but i do care that he ddoses me fucking all the time. last time we had drama like this was for over 3-4 months ago. now furmetal is randomly back from nowhere and just wants to fuck everything up to piss someone off. i mean im not mad, its just really boring when people actaully have to be a fucktard and ruin the fun. if we all just stopped with this bullshit, stopped shit talking so much and you guys (furmetal or w/e) stopped ddosing, that'd be nice. so boring with all this drama for no reason. prob made some typos, just typed this fast. Edited January 13, 2016 by Repitchx 1
Noneedholy Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 are you talking to felxprod ? let me compare that : Hey isis, can you please stop killing people ? they are innocent and every human is free. religious freedom is the word ! :)
Frostshotz Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 would someone be so kind to ddos me already?
Noneedholy Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Quote would someone be so kind to ddos me already? Why trying it so hard lel
Iwannadance Posted January 14, 2016 Author Posted January 14, 2016 I hate when MMR much more then rating... lose to much points per lose and don't get enough points per win. for example -25 per lose and only 2 points from 2k team and 5 points from 2.3-2.4k team, if enemy under 2k just 1 point per win EPIC! for example u're playing 8 wins 2 loses -25-25+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 so u will lose 34 points of rating. for example u're playing 1 week with 80% winratio (i think it's ok winratio for 3v3) so u will lose 238 points like me. so now i know why this forum "gladiators" dodging after 1st lose... but who cares about rating at private server , srsly? for example u lose 2 times and then easy win vs same team so they will dodging you or logging to twinks (pionisus everytime doing this with his dogs. just dodging or log to twink character after 1st lose). so i think need to change his rank from gladiator to Pig Dodger and for others guys who do same.
Adlairo Posted January 14, 2016 Posted January 14, 2016 Iwannadance said: I hate when MMR much more then rating... lose to much points per lose and don't get enough points per win. for example -25 per lose and only 2 points from 2k team and 5 points from 2.3-2.4k team, if enemy under 2k just 1 point per win EPIC! for example u're playing 8 wins 2 loses -25-25+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 so u will lose 34 points of rating. for example u're playing 1 week with 80% winratio (i think it's ok winratio for 3v3) so u will lose 238 points like me. so now i know why this forum "gladiators" dodging after 1st lose... but who cares about rating at private server , srsly? for example u lose 2 times and then easy win vs same team so they will dodging you or logging to twinks (pionisus everytime doing this with his dogs. just dodging or log to twink character after 1st lose). so i think need to change his rank from gladiator to Pig Dodger and for others guys who do same. stfu and stop qqing, that's what you get if you're high rated in 3s. you think you're the only one? you're so dumb, the mmr system is even higher than it should be, for an example, i can que with a 496 shaman on my 545 warrior which is 2.1 cr and we will face 1700 teams and i will still gain like 10 rating, which would be like 0/2 on retail and -20 if you lose lmao stop qqing and learn to deal with it, it's not bugged. also, why do you qq about warriors when warriors are literally the only class you play with? learn to beastcleave, PHDK / SHDK, HLS, Thug cleave, all of these comps are viable if you know how to play another thing is i don't understand why you qq about WLS when all you play is KFC and KFC hard counters WLS. 1
Rimerz Posted January 15, 2016 Posted January 15, 2016 YOU FORGOT WLS = WARRIOR/LOCK/SHAMAN TIER 1 PANDAWOW SKILLED COMP EleGiggle EleGiggle
Шейхалекс Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 gg abuse arena
Iwannadance Posted January 17, 2016 Author Posted January 17, 2016 New pack of screenshots :crab: [spoiler=Click here]
Rimerz Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 Iwannadance u fucking suck mate this guy "Icelancemage" is gladiator every season in retail since s12 and he carry your ass and nobody cares who u won
noneedmlg Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 Rimerz said: Iwannadance u fucking suck mate this guy "Icelancemage" is gladiator every season in retail since s12 and he carry your ass and nobody cares who u won I doubt this mage was even in glad range in s15 :D faced him alot. Anyways ye .... iwannadance got rekt against my rdruid frostmage arcanemage xD
Iwannadance Posted January 18, 2016 Author Posted January 18, 2016 Farming pro insulters from forum :dance: But they still think that they are playing good. I hope soon they will understand that they are suck. [spoiler=Click here]
Firego Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Iwannadance said: Farming pro insulters from forum :dance: But they still think that they are playing good. I hope soon they will understand that they are suck. [spoiler=Click here] ye you outplay everyone kappa 1
Iwannadance Posted January 18, 2016 Author Posted January 18, 2016 but i hate when this "pro" players from forum start dodging after 1st lose. we were in que about 5 hours. waiting for que poop about 10 minutes always and then just empty arena. so many times empty arena damn. for example me que even if i lost 300 rating anyway will que till start farming everyone... but this guys so scared and dodging after 1st lose... idk who cares about rating from private server? oh they wanna get rank? so we should make petition swap their rank "gladiator" to "pig dodger". because they are not gladiators... they are so bad. they can only wintrading, dodging , farm guys who more bad.
Deathskin Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 (edited) Iwannadance said: but i hate when this "pro" players from forum start dodging after 1st lose. we were in que about 5 hours. waiting for que poop about 10 minutes always and then just empty arena. so many times empty arena damn. for example me que even if i lost 300 rating anyway will que till start farming everyone... but this guys so scared and dodging after 1st lose... idk who cares about rating from private server? oh they wanna get rank? so we should make petition swap their rank "gladiator" to "pig dodger". because they are not gladiators... they are so bad. they can only wintrading, dodging , farm guys who more bad. I don't think it's about getting ranks or w/e I think it's mostly about losing something you've worked hard for. I know my rating in a private server doesn't mean anything, but it's still something you worked for and I know many humans don't like when they lose something they work for. It's human nature to not want to lose something you worked hard for. Some people care while some just don't give a fuck. I'm one of those guys who stop playing after losing twice or three times in a row. I just legit alt-f4 after my third loss XD unless I'm having a good day then I just suck it up and play again. But if I'm having a bad day then I just legit stop playing and do something else so I don't get even more depressed. PvP in WoW is a stressful thing it's also very competetive which is why you guys tend to shit talk one another. But yeah what I'm trying to say is that those who are high rated but unconfident want to stay there while some who are high rated but confident that they're going to stay there. We can take Noneed/dion for example 2 confident players that never dodge (I think). I don't want to accuse anyone for dodging but there are some unconfident players that stop qing after losing a game against a better team. BTW, I classify myself as an unconfident player. Because of my attitude and my extremely easy rage quitting abilities when I'm not in skype lmfao. Srsly tho who else rages like shit when they're not in skype or anything. I legit almost break my keyboard and monitor sometimes. Because of random rage when my random partner makes mistakes or dies fast. I usually blame myself tho, sadly. Edited January 18, 2016 by Deathskin
Iwannadance Posted January 18, 2016 Author Posted January 18, 2016 Dude Noneed/Dion this 2 guys who always dodge after 1-2 losses. I played vs them many times....I even played in same team with this braindead shaman. He got carried by team and always blame his mates. I think they think that they're best players, but they are not. They are selfish. They don't think about team. IN 3V3 need teamplay, it's more important then personal skill.
Deathskin Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Iwannadance said: Dude Noneed/Dion this 2 guys who always dodge after 1-2 losses. I played vs them many times....I even played in same team with this braindead shaman. He got carried by team and always blame his mates. I think they think that they're best players, but they are not. They are selfish. They don't think about team. IN 3V3 need teamplay, it's more important then personal skill. I can't say anything other than agree with you about the teamplay part, I mean you're not playing 1v3. Having personal skill won't carry your team any higher if you don't have teamwork. A team with better teamwork would win a team with personal skill as they're more trained to win as a team (just an example). But I wouldn't call dion braindead he's a pretty smart guy imo can say the same about noneed both are smart players. But unlike me they tend to blame others other than themselves (Not trying to offend you if you're reading this) Maybe they blame themselves sometimes but they don't say it so other people can hear it ( Just a theory). I wouldn't call them selfish either, I mean I don't know noneed as much as I know dion but I have to say that dion is absolutely not selfish lmao, might get a temper at times when he loses but that's completely natural and happens to everyone. Can't say much about noneed, I've seen some of his streams and I can say that he's just a competetive player, blames his teammates sometimes but can also be a funny guy even though he loses (according to his stream never talked to the guy) + he's also like me when he plays warrior for example, yelling everytime something cancer happens for example if he doesnt get a dispell when he's feared and could get the kill, everybody would rage if that happened to them. Also if I was at the rating dion/noneed is at right now in 2s/3s I think I would dodge aswell after 1/2 losses, so can't really argue with that lol.
Iwannadance Posted January 18, 2016 Author Posted January 18, 2016 If u will not que vs better team u will not get exp.Because farming guys around 2.2k don't make you better. You should farm teams 2.5k+. You can recording games vs 2500+ enemy and when u lost so u can check what's going wrong.I did this. So when pionisus did fails he blame warrior, when i did fails he blame warrior anyway.Then i checked stream sazzieu and repitchx and saw how easy we beat them. Then pionisus make hard fails (1st time don't trinket silence , 2nd time don't got CC just don't dispell / don't heal just staying without reason) and he blame me for his fails. And just ragequit. It's why i don't play with this rager.
Deathskin Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Iwannadance said: If u will not que vs better team u will not get exp.Because farming guys around 2.2k don't make you better. You should farm teams 2.5k+. You can recording games vs 2500+ enemy and when u lost so u can check what's going wrong.I did this. So when pionisus did fails he blame warrior, when i did fails he blame warrior anyway.Then i checked stream sazzieu and repitchx and saw how easy we beat them. Then pionisus make hard fails (1st time don't trinket silence , 2nd time don't got CC just don't dispell / don't heal just staying without reason) and he blame me for his fails. And just ragequit. It's why i don't play with this rager. But bro even you made fails yesterday while playing against me on my monk, you stunned me and popped reck in the beginning of the game. All I had to do was root you and chi torpedo away while u sat there with a useless reck and not intervening banner to keep up. You disarmed me after your stun, you kicked me the second I pressed soothing mist........Not acusing you for kickbot but bruh.... not calling you braindead but you can't call dion braindead after playing like that.... 1
Iwannadance Posted January 18, 2016 Author Posted January 18, 2016 may be it was not me? don't feel that i can do this.
Deathskin Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Iwannadance said: may be it was not me? don't feel that i can do this. You've showed countless of screenshot of you winning 3s agaisnt people, you would have brain of a goldfish to not know who u are by now. 1
Iwannadance Posted January 18, 2016 Author Posted January 18, 2016 KFC [spoiler=Click here]
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