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Unstable Affliction

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Realm tested - Fun


Date tested - 31/10/2015


Spell - Unstable Affliction


Description - For some reason, which I did not figure out yet, the damage is way higher than it should(even higher than the tooltip's display). See spoiler for details.



Overall Status

Number of ticks = 7

Tooltip = 31472 over 14 sec

My mastery = 41.68%

My Spell Power = 14435

PvP Power = 27.41%

Each tick = 6429 (pve dummy)

6429*7 = 45003 ≠ 31472

Spell formula = 2170(+ 203% SP) over 14 sec


14435 * 2.03 = 29303.05

2170 + 29303.05 = 31473.05(no mastery)

31473.05 * 1.4168 = 44591,01724

44591, higher than what the tooltip says(31472) and lower than it is dealing(45003)

Spell's dispell is bugged too, the damage is also higher than it should

Dispell = [310 ( + 29% SP) + * 8]

14435 * 0,29 = 4186.15

[310 + 4186.15 * 8]

[310 + 33489.2]

33799.2 * 1,2741(PvP Power) = 43063.5

43063.5 * 0,8011 = 34498.1

43063.5 - 34498.1 = 8565.4

Crit = 2x

8565.4 * 2 = 17130.8


But currently it is dealing 26064



Note - Numbers were rounded.

Note - Tests done with a 330 ilvl warlock, without any gems, enchants or procs. The Mistweaver is 496 ilvl and without any gems/enchants.



How it should work - Damage should be applied properly.


Priority - 8/10, dispelling hits almost as hard as a Chaos Bolt at higher gear and some procs(I'm talking about some 150k+ hits) and afflictions are, in some situations, more viable than destruction for damaging(specially for affliction/restoration shaman comps, thing that wasn't that strong on Blizzard).


Comments - I find it curious how the tooltip is wrong.


If you find anything wrong with the formula, please write in the comments clearly and if possible write down your math.






Edited by Furmetal
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Normal tick = ((2170+(18970*203%))+45.86%)/7 = 8476.36


Damage on dispell = ((((((310+(18970*29%))*8)*2)+45.86%)+34.62%)-80% = 36514.81


All work as should



Why are the number of ticks 7?


I can clearly see in my combat log that it does damage 8 times.


Also, if it is indeed 7, then why did you use the coefficient 8 at "((((((310+(18970*29%))*8)" on dispell?


Please clarify.

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The damage is calculated from a base amount of ticks that have this spell =7. Eighth+ teak gives you by the speed.

Speed adds extra ticks to the base quantity, with damage equal tick at zero speed.

And Dispel The factor of 8 is due to the fact that it does not affect the speed. So conceived developers

Edited by safety
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Furmetal, http://forum.pandawow.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=95906&d=1446290083

Calculation damage by ticks, base on static number. For UA its = 7 tick

When you reach 7.15% haste, your UA grant +1 tick = 8 tick, but calculation always based on 7 ticks.


Even when you reach 13 ticks, it will calculate base on 7 ticks, and give 13 real ticks on target with damage of 7 static ticks.


It was very stupid logic, that +hase = -dots damage

should +haste = +dot damage


All afli warlock formulas was tested at 07.2014

Stop make fake themes.

Edited by Saylance
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All afli warlock formulas was tested at 07.2014

Stop make fake themes.


It's my job(even though I'm not paid or anything for this, so I'm not really sure why my position is called "tester" instead of "bug tracker manager" or something like that since this is what most do)to test everything, this also means re-tests. I also did not know that this was alredy tested.


Also, I ran the tests again with 0 haste and still got a damage difference. Check main post for update.

Edited by Furmetal
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Stop make fake themes.

why so aggressiv lol ? Seems like someone is playing lock here LMAO


- - - Updated - - -


And dispel is part of the spell and it also affects by mastery.

No it doesnt ! i asked multiple locks right now who are playing active on retail about ~2.5 mmr and as soon as i have time i gonna try to find someone who can test it. There is no changelog and even in WoD it doesnt increase the dispel dmg.


@Furmetal tell me if the dispel dmg is affected by mastery. If yes, it's bugged


as i said as soon as i find someone from retail who can test it, i will.

But before i found an old post where they removed mastery from the dispel dmg because the dmg was "too much"




^ bluepost

Edited by Noneedholy
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prist got 160к+ from dispel ua - its Done similar to our, and you url fo patch 4.0.6 there was a different mechanic dot


What do you want ? it still shouldn't affect with mastery. Don't talk about 3s since all the buffs who increase spellpower etc. increase the UA dmg. We are talking about locks in 2s who crit 150-160k

Also the lock in the vid had EVERY proc up and here you can easily do 140k without any proccs.

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UA dispell == full dot damage * 2

Also affected by mastery, and Grimoire of Sacrifice.



1. Mastery didnt calculate for tooltip damage.

2. (((((310+(14435*29%))+41.68%)*8)+27.41%)-80%)*2=25971.84

as we have.

Edited by Saylance
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It doesnt affect by mastery.


5.4.0 changelog to unstable affliction


If the Unstable Affliction is dispelled it will cause [310 (+29% of spellpower) * 8] Dmage to the dispeller and silence them for 4 sec. This damage always critically strikes.[/Quote]


where do you see full dot damage*2 ?


source: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30108/unstable-affliction#changelog

Edited by Noneedholy
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Saylance your formula for the UA dispel dmg was wrong how i showed you.

*2 its mean, that its always crit.


safety shows you video = 165k crit from disspel in patch 5.4.8 in burst dots

With out procks in patch 5.4.8 i remember 70-90k damage from disspel UA


Now took any 550 warlock and dispell his UA

To make any proff

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