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Rate and MMR gains

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  Noneedholy said:
Hello .... its been 1 1/2 years now... is there a dev with a brain who knows how important that is ?


Don't think there's any dev that even knows how to fix it...


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It's not laziness at this point, just lack of IQ.


Increasing the rating gain for example would fix so many problems ...

on 2.4 cr for example u couldnt get +96 anymore but u surely could get +40 if you beat a high team for example.


just kinda bit fucked up here

  Jonte said:
Don't think there's any dev that even knows how to fix it...


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It's not laziness at this point, just lack of IQ.

ur srsly retarded the devs are focusing on game breaking bugs fixing this would be good yea but you can still play the game pretty much the same even if its bugged

  Adlairo said:
they would make u get +0 vs low teams if ur high as well


And ppl like kailly couldnt que the whole night against 1.6 ppl.


As mentioned in previous posts. Would be amazing tho

  Flow said:
the devs are focusing on game breaking bugs


1. They are not fixing any game breaking bugs, just on WodEmpire.

2. So not gaining correct rating on a PvP server that's all about arenas is not game breaking?


Now tell me who's retarded.

  Jonte said:
1. They are not fixing any game breaking bugs, just on WodEmpire.

2. So not gaining correct rating on a PvP server that's all about arenas is not game breaking?


Now tell me who's retarded.


not nearly as game breaking as other bugs rofl

  Flow said:
not nearly as game breaking as other bugs rofl


Oh, you mean the bugs that has been here for half a year?

so has the mmr and gain bug there is no reason to even try to fix tis before the other stuff anywaay this is not about bugs its about the devs who r much better than you at what they do and utr calling them stupid if u dont like the server leave
if u dont like the server leave

Hello Juster


so has the mmr and gain bug there is no reason to even try to fix tis before the other stuff anywaay this is not about bugs its about the devs who r much better than you at what they do and utr calling them stupid if u dont like the server leave

I guess we don't have to discuss about if this is a game breaking bug or not. People stuck on lowrating forever and it makes it so much harder to get on higher mmr. Equals less queues on Higher mmr and PPL who can gain rating while farming 1.5 Teams.


Yes you are right it's not only game breaking, it's also totally unfair because nolifer & tryhards like kailly (for example) or telpin who just said yesterday to his 3s mates that he wants to farm some 1.6 Teams gets rewarded. Since this is mainly a PvP server, this bug should have a 10/10 priority for the devs. Same as the Bug where you get kicked out of arena after a Dc etc. But yeah the devs are not good. Yes they can script better than we can do it but still, they are not good at their job here as we can clearly see.


how is it unfair everyone can do it rofl so ifd u care that much you can do it too


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ditch irl and start grinding them teams Kappa

how is it unfair everyone can do it rofl so ifd u care that much you can do it too


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ditch irl and start grinding them teams Kappa


I wouldn't say that. Getting rating should be smth about skill and not something about who plays the most get the most rating. Well ok we can talk about that getting rating on Pandawow is about skill or not but at the end this bug also affects the fun at the game. For me (for example), i get pissed off when i start playing my new toon and ive to do around 80 games till i face ppl with a brain. That totally kills the incentive to que rating on low cr.

indeed man but what would you they rather fix dmg of ferals/bms etc or this idk i feel like you can still play the game with this being bugged not saying its not that important ofc it is but i think there are more imporant fixes just my opinion
Well if i would see that they would care about game breaking bugs i wouldn't say anything. But all i can see is fixing useless minor glyphs and tons of Pve stuff ( which is prob. only from Wowcircle ) Really game breaking bugs like the Polymorph doesnt dr bug are not even fixed after a week yet. That's simply disgusting
  Flow said:
so has the mmr and gain bug there is no reason to even try to fix tis before the other stuff anywaay this is not about bugs its about the devs who r much better than you at what they do and utr calling them stupid if u dont like the server leave


LOL, I can guarantee you that if I had the same experience as PandaWoW's Devs at fixing bugs, I'd get more bugs fixed than they would, do you know why? Because it has already been said that they don't care about PandaWoW, just WodEmpire.


And to be fair, I'd say I'm a liiiiiiitle bit smarter than most Staff on PandaWoW since atleast I have 3rd grade+ english knowledge.

  Flow said:
then get the "XP and fix shit


It's not that easy...I'm not a part of the team, and they're not taking help.

im pretty sure pretty much every server does this post the code on the forum and they'll use it they copy/paste a lot of shit from ac webs anyway
  • 1 month later...

you kill enemy

cross rip

u got 0 points



  zekkenx said:
Really nice to get instant ques vs teams that are 600 cr higher than you.


That also happened on retail sometimes. Its normal when the 2.5 team has a 5 min que that they get a lowteam


Idk why you cry, honestly

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