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Inconsistency in stats


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I yearn for the day which DKs are fixed.. along with every other class.



OFF-Topic: Adlairo, it really depends on which leaderboard you're looking at. (2v2 vs 3v3, or eu vs us)


If you check the US top 2v2, there are 2 DKs in the top 10, and in 3s there's a DK ranked @ 41. (oh look it's hansol @ 97 lol)


Anyways, I'm even sure that Revolutio was within the top 20 for 3s at one point. For some reason, EU has very different statistics lol.


Dks were viable in 2s, but i didnt see any other comp other than mw dk. Was quite a strong setup and pure aids.


However, when we say dks were shit, we mean 3s cause that's the most balanced bracket and it's the bracket that requires somehow a brain.


Dks were not strong in s15. Necrotic didn't do 100k+ lol


Let's just use our brain for a sec. Necrotic isn't affected by dampening (its legit) and imagine you're at 50% dampening (not even that. 20% is enough). Can you imagine how unbalanced that would be? I mean you don't even need dampening as a dk on here to kill stuff.

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IDk why people still trying to argue here ... actually Player who played on retail discuss with people who never played on retail. People like pujo or whoever defends dk don't want to understand it, even when its fucking obvious. Just stop trying to argue the majority of this server never played retail in s15 ( like 95%). And i'm talking about playing on a rating where you can tell someone which class is good or not.

They are the majority and they will always QQ so there will be NEVER a correct balancing on this server. rip only thing you can do if you want a balanced server --> go retail because even the dev's here didnt played retail i guess.

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hmm i played on the ptr and never saw a 100k necrotic ppl here are trying to prove something impossible which is just shit cause they don't know how to play i agree with noneed on this if you played mop retail then you'll know that what they're doing is totall shit and impossible but i guess most ppl here are just none english speaking monkeys who never played retail!



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IDk why people still trying to argue here ... actually Player who played on retail discuss with people who never played on retail. People like pujo or whoever defends dk don't want to understand it, even when its fucking obvious. Just stop trying to argue the majority of this server never played retail in s15 ( like 95%). And i'm talking about playing on a rating where you can tell someone which class is good or not.

They are the majority and they will always QQ so there will be NEVER a correct balancing on this server. rip only thing you can do if you want a balanced server --> go retail because even the dev's here didnt played retail i guess.


Sums up my entire post pretty well.

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Are you guys saying DK is still bugged or only that it WAS bugged, and now is fixed?


Just curious, because nobody queues DK so IDK.


- - - Updated - - -


If you want to check the ladder yourself, feel free to click this link.




Wow lol. I didn't know you could still look at them!


Check me out camping what I thought at the time was glad lol:




Everyone was sure 2850 was glad, that my team mates weren't even online on the last night, when it rose like 40 rating in just a few hours... /facepalm


Missed it by 13 rating.


I. was. not. happy. LOL

Edited by Bapss
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  • 3 weeks later...
1. Parry rating for human

2. humans have 25% less parry rating from strength (3% base + bonus from strength formula)

3. humans should have equal parry

4. 11/11/2015

5. Fun

6. 10/10 (5-6% loss at full gear for frost dks, and more during burst)


screen shots








how I noticed? Yesterday I spent 200 vote points to transfer my toon to human.




and here is a warrior who is close to the undead, so I think human DKs are nerfed




Just for frost happens?

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  • 2 months later...
all specs


i just feel having 30% parry when warriors have 25% don't seem fixed, dks have 35% more strengh than other strengh classes, and all dks go full streng gems while warriors use 0 streng gems (they use to go ful crit), and the diference is 5% parry just?

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i just feel having 30% parry when warriors have 25% don't seem fixed, dks have 35% more strengh than other strengh classes, and all dks go full streng gems while warriors use 0 streng gems (they use to go ful crit), and the diference is 5% parry just?


again, this 25% less parry rating gain from strength only applies to human dks

If you your human unholy dk currently has 30% parry, then he should actually have about 37% parry chance instead

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  • 2 months later...
I had someone say they lost 2.5k str. Could it be this & was it fixed?


nope, 2k strengh is not 8% parry, they just nerfed parry one day randomly, i know cuz i one day i had 38%, after some retard reset i had 28%, randomly.. warriors have like 10k less strengh than dk, 25% parry.. human dk atm have 28%, its kinda sad

Edited by player3
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  • Game Masters
I had someone say they lost 2.5k str. Could it be this & was it fixed?


Lol I thought it was just me but I lost 1k streght with my horde war but sadly can't prove it


If this bug really exists its 100/10

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1. Parry rating for human

2. humans have 25% less parry rating from strength (3% base + bonus from strength formula)

3. humans should have equal parry

4. 11/11/2015

5. Fun

6. 10/10 (5-6% loss at full gear for frost dks, and more during burst)


screen shots








how I noticed? Yesterday I spent 200 vote points to transfer my toon to human.




and here is a warrior who is close to the undead, so I think human DKs are nerfed




fix this, what more proof u need?



Screenshots of TODAY 14 May 2016:

http://prnt.sc/b3w525 (orc dk)


http://prnt.sc/b3w5dr (human dk)


Both same strengh, clear parry diference..


So? u fix 2nd pet stun, you fix 5% extra HP from a blood spec bug pasive, but u don't fix necrotics interaction, Chilblains 3s root, this bullshit parry bug or ghoul speed benefit?¿ Can u go blizzlike and stop fixing what u want? lol


Here the links of the other bugs i mentioned and u didn't make a shit about:

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160813 (necro) 9/10 prio if u want to do 2 dk or more in 3c or bg

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160893 (ghoul attack speed/energy regen) 8/10 prio cuz dk dmg is based on pets and dots dmg, we are losing dmg, and burst dmg (20% more haste during burst if unholy frenzy +20% if unh presence)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=168567 (Chilblains 3s root) 9/10 this would be good for pvp

Edited by player3
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except u forgot that there are 100000 bugs more important than some of the DK bugs right now as Dk's are perfectly playable on h ere


every class have fix problems, fixes take tooooo fuking long, no matter which class, the problem is that they just do nerfing fixes, not beneficial fixes..

Edited by player3
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except u forgot that there are 100000 bugs more important than some of the DK bugs right now as Dk's are perfectly playable on h ere


Here human dks have 10% less parry (at 550 set), the rest of races don't have this bug, so its a big disavantatge for humans no? i think

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