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Forgotten Email/Password


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Account name, which has been stolen:



The realm (x10/x100/Fun)



Nickname(s) of your stolen character(s)

Rockella & Salomanitx (both deleted characters on the account that I want to restore).


E-mail, which was registered by above account

I can't remember, but if you tell me it, I will know the Email password 100%, and can log it instantly.


The time of your last visit to the game. Write separate dates and time for each account / character

Quite a long time ago. Someone log on it and delete all my characters so I stopped playing it -.-


Your IP-address

► If it has changed, please indicate this.

I moved house about 3 months ago. It was only like 1.5 miles away though, so my IP address may have stayed the same, idk.


Nicks of people who can attest to the fact that you are the owner of the stolen account / character

Noneedholy & Funkabizsax. It was a while ago so not many will remember.


Evidence: screenshots of the stolen character(s), common data that you think could help us (date of purchase items, characters, any services from CP etc.)

I don't have any sorry. All I want to know though, is the email registered to the account though.


If you have another accounts on our server, indicate them and 1-2 characters on them

Frankjlucas - ðionysus, levazquez

Frankjlucas1 - ðionysusqt, Bigðio


A detailed description of the problem

3 or 4 months ago, I had two characters I bought, and was working on - Rockella and Salomanitx. But someone hack my account, and delete both of them for no reason -.-


I didn't want to spend 400 bonuses to restore them, so I stopped playing the account. Because it has been so long now though, I have forgotten the password, and the email address registered to the account.


If you just tell me the email address, I will be able to log email, and change "KurtisBlack" account password.



Thankyou for taking the time to read this - I really appreciate it, and hope we can resolve this issue. :)

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