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Spellbook buged

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Hi this is the second part of my thread


this is a problem based on my spellbook




my spellbook is bugged, inside the profession tab, i cant open any of my professions (well actually i can open alchemy but the other ones i cant) i can only access those typing "/cast " and then the profession.

Here a screenshot:



And this is how the spellbook must work :





This is a problem that i got with my Druid nickname "KEUS" realm x100 and the Priority of my problem is 7


Thanks and sorry for the trouble :)

  • Administrators

Declined. Not a bug report/Not by rules.

Rules: How to report a bug.


You completed all 3 profession quests, for example http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29481, http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29482, http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29067 - it's reason why your book bugged.


Deleting a bugged profession: Write this in the chat /script AbandonSkill (ххх), where it says ххх put ID of the profession to be removed. For ID of the professions see WoWHead.com. For example for"engineering" this value is 202 ( the latest number in the link to the page WoWHead: http://wowhead.com/skill=202 ).

If you do not want to delete the profession, but are simply interested in its start-up, you can use a macro: /cast "profession". For example : /cast Cooking.

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