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<Teamplay> 3v3 Tournament [ALLIANCE]


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@noneedholy.Who cares about ur opinion mate? they just make a f*cking tournament,if you have team then sign up if you don't,make one and sign up.And don't say "who makes tournaments on this bugged server" seriously mate? well wasn't you the guy who played 2 times in those "bugged tournaments".Please shut the f*ck up,play if you want,don't comment.We know that you are jealous af cuz some players are better than you.Your comment won't change a sh*t.If you don't wanna play or sign up,then don't comment just for attention.

well wasn't you the guy who played 2 times in those "bugged tournaments"

even betther, me and laser hosted this tournaments :)


Edited by Noneedholy
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come on guys, still need 5 teams. won't be fun if we only gonna see the 3 same teams over and over again


I would que with my team, but the only problem is, that it's alliance 3v3's. Sadly i only have a fully geared warrior there. My partners on the other hand can participate with 502geared resto druid and a 496 ench. Shaman. XD, Next tourney make it horde 3v3's. good luck to all, i hope everyone wins.

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team name :



volunteers :

none atm


team leader :



names :

Peosilektis , Snaregodqt , Samzorlol


comp :




zero practice with these guys except a nice win streak but yolo


you need 2 volunteers. but ure added


- - - Updated - - -


we need 4 teams (or still 5 if Adlairo leaves)

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well just to help repitch this sneaky heartless rat who cant even stream with a cam bcuz retarded, i gonna introduce myself available for everyone who wants to play. No xp required just ask in the thread and ill join ur team for some funny games.


ps @repitch: stream with cam you promised it !

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well just to help repitch this sneaky heartless rat who cant even stream with a cam bcuz retarded, i gonna introduce myself available for everyone who wants to play. No xp required just ask in the thread and ill join ur team for some funny games.


ps @repitch: stream with cam you promised it !


i said i was going to put on my cam when i play horror games.


besides, this tourny might be a joke as we don't have 8 teams + 1 team won't participate + another one might as well, so most likely you will see 2 teams only lol...


i guess ill host a 2s tourny next time cause 3s is pointless on here.

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Noneed why'd you want to see Repitch on webcam so bad? :D


i guess ill host a 2s tourny next time cause 3s is pointless on here.


Nah, it's just atleast 50% of people aren't on forums. There are plenty of other teams that would/will want to play, but they probs don't even know about the tourny. Gotta spam that shit in global chat a week or two before.


Anyway, sucks that they don't pre-sign.. But I'm sure we'll find 8 teams ez :)

Edited by Bapss
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Noneed why'd you want to see Repitch on webcam so bad? :D




Nah, it's just atleast 50% of people aren't on forums. There are plenty of other teams that would/will want to play, but they probs don't even know about the tourny. Gotta spam that shit in global chat a week or two before.


Anyway, sucks that they don't pre-sign.. But I'm sure we'll find 8 teams ez :)


i did lol. i spammed it several days in row in-game.


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yooo u dont wanna do it now ?


what? ofc i will host it lol.

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ok than, as soon as i have a team ill be there. If you have a random team wheres a dps missing, let me know repitch.

well ur countdown is wrong .. thought its 8 pm .. well i might be afk there but idk. 19 gmt +1 is in 1 hour and 10 minutes. Your countdown tells me 2 hours /lol

Edited by Noneedholy
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1st: Wts Scripts (WMS) names: Awbeex, Coldsiemensx, Федямортал


2nd: Gobbles and Friends (Destro WLS) names: Autchbatch, Shockwavejk, Smalltown


3rd: WL in yo' Ass (WLS/LSD2) names: Dionysus, Tallaque, Темныйберлин


Congrats to all of you and thanks for everyone who participated and watched my stream!


- - - Updated - - -


Bonuses will arrive either later this night or tomorrow.

Edited by Repitchx
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1st: Wts Scripts (WMS) names: Awbeex, Coldsiemensx, Федямортал


2nd: Gobbles and Friends (Destro WLS) names: Autchbatch, Shockwavejk, Smalltown


3rd: WL in yo' Ass (WLS/LSD2) names: Dionysus, Tallaque, Темныйберлин


Congrats to all of you and for everyone who participated and watched my stream!


- - - Updated - - -


Bonuses will arrive either later this night or tomorrow.


Thx for games

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