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<Teamplay> 3v3 Tournament [ALLIANCE]


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hes using a pqr rotation ? LOL would be funny but PQR isnt that good because every good war plays betther :(


DESTRO wls r2 ??



still no bonuses btw FeelsBadMan

Edited by Noneedholy
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well as soon as orb into poly isnt fixed and you cant walk as healer into orb to prevent getting cc'd, wms is op also

your warrior trinkets charge and win :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:


need fixed












shaman now so bad work



p.s. wtf

on new acc my war 392 bonuses not 1000 :c

on my new acc 0 bonuses

Edited by Veynnzy
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is it so hard to make a cast Unleash Elements macro with /cancelaura Riptide in it? that bug will never trigger even tho its dumb if u just cancel Riptide on yourself

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where is his point ? Resto shaman is more than fine on pandawow roflmao. Don't even want to mention the healing stream which is healing way to much atm


mastery not work

buff +50% next heal not work

healing stream not heal pets

healing rain not heal pets

war can reflect cap totem mass and just reflect

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where is his point ? Resto shaman is more than fine on pandawow roflmao. Don't even want to mention the healing stream which is healing way to much atm




I accidentally liked this comment. lel


Healing stream healing less it did on retail last time i checked. On retail it would crit 60k+, heal normally for 30-42k per 2 secs if i remember right.


Anyway, my point being is that it is 100% not more OP here than it was on retail. Healing stream totem is just resto shams main mechanic lol


- - - Updated - - -


mastery not work

buff +50% next heal not work


Mastery also one of Resto Shams main positives. Stupid that it doesn't work.

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Isn't resto sham mastery working fine? Seems to be so on my tyrranical shaman that I made for trolling.


Definately bugged. Maybe scaling effects it? But my heals are the same from 50-100% to 10-50%... -.-


Fix this please, resto shamans missing a potential 64% extra healing, which when dampening hits is so needed!


10/10 prio

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Definately bugged. Maybe scaling effects it? But my heals are the same from 50-100% to 10-50%... -.-


Fix this please, resto shamans missing a potential 64% extra healing, which when dampening hits is so needed!


10/10 prio


yea buff a class that can top someone in 1 global at 50% dampening, nice class. your fixes are at 2nd place, fix Resto Druids first, most bugged healers here.

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