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Bind Elemental is fixed.. So mages will start winning more vs Shamans right?


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Holy shit, the fixes are real!!!


Bind Elemental = fixed!!


All mages rejoice. They will start winning loads more vs Shamans now right? I mean every mage was qqing about the use Bind Elemental because it was OP.


Noneedholy even tried to get Dionysus banned for using it lol.


But now that it isn't bugged, mages will easily win right?


Erhm. Wrong.






RoF = Fixed

Glyph of Healing Stream = Fixed


So Gl to all mage teams who were upset with Bind Ele Bug. We'll see who was the one benefiting more from abuse (Although I already know the answer. And I think if a Resto Sham queues with this glyph, Akuyama + [Enter Mage] are going to have a real problem trying to queue 2s in the future lol).




P.s. Nice work whichever Pandawow Staff finally made the fix

Edited by Bapss
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Funny, what Noneedholy says fits perfectly to him.





Noneedholy is so useless.


Proof:http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157717&highlight=bind+elemental (Tries to get all better players than him banned lol). So sad and pathetic. Noneedholy achieves new level of levels of tryhard nerd :D


Really ?

i'm out


Peace kid. :)

Edited by Bapss
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