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Nightfall proc


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Posted (edited)
  \ said:
Have a Report before maybe 1 year' date=' administration know about this.. you should try to play warlock to be 3.1 with 1-2 MORE SHARDS and you can try to report again.. AND no way to guarantee that one of the ticks will proc Nightfall .... its bassed on luck like Adlairo said... and no its not the most critical bug becaus you dont have any idea how a warlock can use this 1-2 more SHARDS... k thanks bye[/quote']

Ok actually you don't know your own class. NOT MY FAULT that you are braindead but ESPECIALLY for you i will explain it again.


Nightfall can proc from only 1 Dot. You understand ? THE RECENTLY APPLIED DOT = 1 DOT. So you can get a procc with a 10% chance from 1 corruption dot. How you explain it than that repitch got sometimes 2 proccs within 1 MS ? does ur dot tick 2x in 1 MS ? Ok if u didnt understand that now PCE and get your shit out of that report


ahye for u : 1 MS = 1 millisecond


  \ said:
I agree that this is bugged really badly' date=' but i don't think it has necessarily something to do with the proc chance since like i said before there is nothing that guarantees you will get 1 proc per 10 dot ticks.[/quote']


i guess some ppl missunderstood that report. Its about corruption gives you proccs from multiple targets while it should give proccs only from one target. pretty simple

Edited by Noneedholy
Noneedholy, You should read what l saying sweet heart,Yes Noneedholy Yes Repitch, Guys try to get 3.1 with that bugged 1-2 more SHARDS or Procs, watch the statistics how much warlocks having in 2.5 + rate and you can think about what ppls can do with 1-2 more shards or procs.. and stop that trash talking we even know you are kid.
  \ said:
Noneedholy' date=' You should read what l saying sweet heart,Yes Noneedholy Yes Repitch, Guys try to get 3.1 with that bugged 1-2 more SHARDS or Procs, watch the statistics how much warlocks having in 2.5 + rate and you can think about what ppls can do with 1-2 more shards or procs.. and stop that trash talking we even know you are kid.[/quote']

oh i guess ur just a random trash lock who cant get rating and you obviously gonna get mad because after that "FIX" you will lose even more rating. Anyways we are talking more about 3s and not about 2s but whatever. Nice argumentation but your point is invalid


stay mad bruv but locks gonna get fixed asap :D


  Noneedholy said:
oh i guess ur just a random trash lock who cant get rating and you obviously gonna get mad because after that "FIX" you will lose even more rating. Anyways we are talking more about 3s and not about 2s but whatever. Nice argumentation but your point is invalid


stay mad bruv but locks gonna get fixed asap :D


You guess? DOnt be Nostradamus... my point is not invalid l dont care if you losse in 3s by warlocks.. thats your problem its just flood here becaus warlock have alot of not working things.. close this theme , here have 1-2 persons whos doing ^^ up all day ^^

  BamBamtwo said:
You guess? DOnt be Nostradamus... my point is not invalid l dont care if you losse in 3s by warlocks.. thats your problem its just flood here becaus warlock have alot of not working things.. close this theme , here have 1-2 persons whos doing ^^ up all day ^^


idk what ur even doing here.

Report is valid

Proofs are given

you are talking nonsense


  Saylance said:
Apply Corrupt -> Copy -> Paste to another target = is it also have 10% ?


It doesn't matter if you soulswap or anything.


This should ONLY be "activated" on the latest player which you've applied corruption.

  • Like 1
  \ said:
Guys try to get 3.1 with that bugged 1-2 more SHARDS or Procs' date=' watch the statistics how much warlocks having in 2.5 + rate and you can think about what ppls can do with 1-2 more shards or procs..[/quote']

wha...? r u retarded ?

with this bug i can have 10 minute uptime of full dots without casting at all, everything u need is soulburn - soulswap - voir la

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everyone stfu, really... this is a fucking broken bug. people spamming haunt 90k+ all day is extremely op.


just watch retail footage, you didnt spam haunt... people who says that its not important clearly plays lock.


people defending locks are the ones that plays it. simple as that.

well im bumping report of these almost every day in here and wowcirce forum since last week i think, lets hope this will get fixed asap
It doesn't matter if you soulswap or anything.


This should ONLY be "activated" on the latest player which you've applied corruption.

this thanks !


saylance please send that to the devs finally. Pissing me off that every random russian faggot lock can waste his shards as he want.

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