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nice fixes on explosive shot


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No wonder why u won't admit that your rating isn't worth whilst playing with a hunter.


i got my max rating with surv jungle, which no one played, and this comp was more difficult for p than wmp\rmp etc

2s is nothing at all, still pretty impressive that u carried garxz, who couldnt play for a long time any spec except bm

well i got my max rating in 2s 2.5+ as disc in s15 and still, this is not an achievement

btw climbing to 2.8 here were mixed with hunter\warr\monk


s this guy really trying to buff hunters?

this is cureable

if you want you can test and report it' date=' it will only buff hunters cuz it looks like currenly if you stack 4 of them you'll lose 1 tick of it[/quote']

i want to fix it, just dont agree that hunter dmg is bugged so much as all you say

tonight we killed rdruid warr and druid said "wtf is that dmg"..my hunter had 18k dps and his max crit is 62k, arena lasted 7 mins, xd

Edited by faina
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check warrior damage max crit about 180-250k.

check affliction warlock damage 70-100k dps.

but they wanna nerf hunters? srsly?

and yeap i have warlock , warrior , hunter (i have more then 20 characters so i can easy reroll).


On what server do you play? Iwannadancewow?

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impressive that u carried garxz

no he did a great job.



tonight we killed rdruid warr and druid said "wtf is that dmg"..my hunter had 18k dps and his max crit is 62k' date=' arena lasted 7 mins, xd[/quote']

nothing else to say ... ur hunter should l2p if even i crit 100k on wars on my hunter xD

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why would you fuck her? she is a ugly af,if i had the chance to bang her i would never accept it because her face is like an alien god.I would rate her 3/10. Maybe at your avatar she looks like 8/10,9/10 but in reality she is ugly af


Nigga u wot? You're saying if aubrey offered u sex you would decline? Bruh.. U gay af no offense.

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if playing as hunter so easy where is all hunters in top list???

ok if you think that i dont have enough skill so how i got so many times glad rank?

someone even saying then glad rank in s8 more important then glad rank in s15.

ok qq more kid and just dodge me. lel.


lol i don't dodge dogshit players

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