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In-deep Monk PvP Guide


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Chiv present's you


an in-deph Monk PvP Guide

After a few weeks working on this guide, finaly i am publishing it. Hope you guys are able to learn atleast abit about the class and that the Monk class is not only about orb spamming...

In this guide, i will give you an overview about:

- Monk Positioning

- Healing rotation vs certain comps

- Dampening tipps in 2s

- How to improve

So lets start off.

First off, this is an in-deph Guide. It doesn't include about Gear pieces, Gems, Glyphs etc. In my oppinion Gear doesn't matter to reach the skill capp of a class. So take any gear piece you want and Gem whatever you want.

1. Monks

Patched in Mists of Pandaria, the hype about Monks became realy huge. Some like the playstyle of Monks (like me) and some just like to mess around with the mobility about them.

Monks mobility are crazy and out of control, the best way to abuse it i will show you guys in this Guide. But also Monks are all about positioning, its a good beginner class to get known into healing.

So about the Positioning here: Note that the scretch is meant for Monks when playing with caster classes (which i most likely do, easier to heal in my oppinion)

So let me explain you this:


Offensive gameplay

1. Make sure you ALWAYS have your port far back. Incase you're getting counter pressured you and your teammates can pull back.

As Monk you always play last man, which means your teammates should always be infront of you. Incase you're getting counter pressured

port back as fast as possible and start getting some http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=124682/enveloping-mist on your teammates followed up by healing spheres.

2. Don't push too far inside, if you overextend you will get CCd and force your teammates to stop cc for you which will make your team

lose alot of pressure and the enemy team will get the upper hand again. Only Push in if you see that the enemy team has no CC avaible

or you need to Incap someone to end the game.

3. Keeping your teammates aggressive, feel free to overheal. As Monk you have healing sphere so don't mind dropping them to keep them topped.

Be ready to dispell, don't let your teammates sit more then 2 seconds of CC. Fast dispells is the best way to stay aggressive.

Defensive Gameplay

1. Incase the enemy teams starts using their cooldowns (Warriors CD's, Warlocks Demon Soul, Mage Frozen Orb etc.)

make sure you avoid EVERY CC by going back to your pillar and hug it.. Yes, make love with it, have sex with it, kiss it, make it your bitch, make it your girlfriend.

In 3vs3 you should always be next to a pillar or have your portal next to it. There is a monk bug where you can heal trough pillars

and there are alot of the "3000" monks using. So dont be a scrub and abuse it. If you have to abuse in a class to gain tempo you shouldn't be playing this class.

2. Try to save your big cooldowns as last resort, what i mean is try not to overlap any with your teammates.

Alot of monks panic realy quick when they get out of a cc and see their teammates at 100k~ while they're in CS or if they're dying and you have a short silence.

Trinket + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115310/revival, or http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116849/life-cocoon are most the case that get used and will lose you the game most of the time. Try to avoid that by looking at your teammates bufs or if they're lining the

enemy players. in this case you should reconnect to him as fast as possible and top him.

2. How to heal vs dotcomps and cleaves

Rotation vs:


http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115151/renewing-mist > 1x http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115399/chi-brew > http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=124682/enveloping-mist = Followed up by http://legion.db.pandawow.me?spell=115464/healing-sphere to top them. Since http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=146950/glyph-of-targeted-expulsion is not reduced by 50% you can also use it instead of Chi Brew to generate Chi.


http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115151/renewing-mist > http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=147489/expel-harm > 1x http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115399/chi-brew > http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=124682/enveloping-mist .. Why instantly Enveloping mist ? Every mage on this server, i mean realy every will spend 50% of his mana to try to steal your Enveloping mist (/lol i know Trihard EleGiggle) and will go oom.. Or many spell classes will try to purge it and lose focus on the game or maybe even on their healthbar, just keep spamming http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115921/legacy-of-the-emperor once you have enveloping mist on any target up to reduce the change of it getting spellstealed and make them BabyRage irl. Otherwise just keep enveloping up AND ALWAYS use 3-4x healing sphere after you got enveloping mist up.

Burst healing:

As bursthealing Monks have a few spells, such as http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115310/revival, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116680/thunder-focus-tea and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116694/surging-mist. Make sure you use any of these cooldowns only with trinket procs and when its realy neccesary. Revival can be used as mass-dispell too but only in realy realy rare cases. By example: I use it when my teammates have their burst CDs up and out of my line, stuck into a fear, deep, sheep etc. to get them out if i cant connect to dispell them. Note for you: Most classes (Mages, Warlocks, Hunters, Druids etc.) will randomly CC your teammates to get you out of your pillar or positioning to get a CC on you. Don't fall for that and just let them sit the CC. Or get a sneaky dispell, if you go for a dispell in this case vs mages, use Thunder Focus tea for the aura mastery to be immnue to any cs.)

3. Dampening Healing

Monks are known for their strenght in dampening, but sadly only because of lifecocoon is most of the time the game changer which absorbs 150k~ at 50% dampening and because of mana tea. On pandawow your Lifecocoon will absorb like 2-8%% at 50% dampening. Use it only with Thunder Focus Tea for the healing buff and to burstheal your teammates (Thats why i currently went Draenei, Gift of the Naaru + 50% more healing from Cocoon is realy strong at late dampening games.) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115176/zen-meditation is the most game changing spell in deep dampening. If you manage to keep your teammate up at 60%+ dampening and you see that the enemy has popped their cooldowns (Incase if its a warrior you're playing against, dissarm him and cast Zen Med behind a pillar to avoid every tick of his burst. => will win you the game.

4. How to improve as MW


Back in S13 i was a newbie, backpaddling faggit, orb spamming pce of sh******* fu****** yeye. (Thats why i love to help all the Spanish, Brazilian players people like to make fun about them). We all been there. But i have to say i improved alot and spent alot of time in the class to get where I am. So whenever you feel bad as MW just improve. There is always someone that is worse than you!

On Pandawow alot of people will shittalk you and call you bad. Use it for your adventage and see it as motivation to know that you still have something to improve. Alot of people call me the best Mistweaver on the server but i don't see my self one a little bit as the best. Maybe one of the best, but not the best.

Here is how i improved:

> :monk: Sharpstorm known as the Monk God by himself (by melting severall Pom Polys in tournaments and one of the only few monks to compete at blizzcon) played at BlizzCon 2014 as LSMW.

I watched this like 4-6 times a day when i was improving and just analyze his gameplay, positioning and everything of his rotation. It helped me alot. Just watch it a few times and you will get what i mean. I still watch it ho.

> Skill-Capped

> Ask Streamers when they're playing

> Play alot of the class .. Man.. I had like 16 fucking mw's so dont think its easy. (Its easy to spam orb and fuck around but thats not called Gameplay or neither a competitive Monk)

I will maybe make other Monk guides in the future but this is it for now. I just wanted to give you people out there how competitive Mistweavers can be/get, because people know it only as the Orb spamming 1800 class.

Hope you enjoyed it,


PS: I'd like to suggest that one of longest friend on this server Dartmeganz :paladin: should also make a Ret Guide, since there is nothing about the class (sadly) on the Forum. Also maybe his Friend Hitdown :hunter: to make Hunter Guide.

Edited by Chivy
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FFFFFFFFUCK too lazy to make a second chat only to roast you, you're not worth the effort. Alright it's time to start my daily roasting routine.


Class guide coming from a dyslexic brazilian or portugal or whatever the fuck you are, with ONLY hiding behind a healer/dps comp and can't pass 2.3k as double dps, but YET shittalks my guide, which i achieved 2.4k multiple times as double dps.


Hello my name is Willian Gabriel, the most stereotypical faggot you've ever seen in your life, i have 10 brothers 7 of them are in jail for selling cocaine. As a living i pretend to "work" and "travel" all over the world and tell everyone on forums about it, even if i only have MAXIMUM 17 years. I also "pretend" to be a very experienced "DDoS'er" (yes, ddos, not flood KEK), i also harras chat moderators and players of breaking their PC with a trojan (which have never ever happened. [HELLO CASUALTIES, nuclearweap, you remember this? :D]) I also post fake ass IP adresses of my so called enemies on forums but i do all of this only to hide the fact that im the biggest toxic cancerous bitch of all time in the whole universe.


Oh also, next time put more filters on your facebook profile picture, and use less-gayer fake eye lashes KEK.



Also i understand that you stopped school cuz your family is poor, sorry by family i only mean your mother, cuz your dad is dead and your mom prolly had to marry a rich pig, but do not ever again lie about "guys i put one week of effort to this guide" meanwhile you do a typo almost every line.



Too bad you changed your profile picture, i wanted to post the one you were on a bench, looking like a homeless gypsy.






presents* (instead of present's)


in-depth* (instead of in deep) even if you like it deep you shouldn't mention it everywhere, brazilian worthless son of a bitch


opinion* (instead of oppinion)


cap* (instead of cap)


*insert all the other 666 typos here*





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FFFFFFFFUCK too lazy to make a second chat only to roast you, you're not worth the effort. Alright it's time to start my daily roasting routine.


Class guide coming from a dyslexic brazilian or portugal or whatever the fuck you are, with ONLY hiding behind a healer/dps comp and can't pass 2.3k as double dps, but YET shittalks my guide, which i achieved 2.4k multiple times as double dps.


Hello my name is Willian Gabriel, the most stereotypical faggot you've ever seen in your life, i have 10 brothers 7 of them are in jail for selling cocaine. As a living i pretend to "work" and "travel" all over the world and tell everyone on forums about it, even if i only have MAXIMUM 17 years. I also "pretend" to be a very experienced "DDoS'er" (yes, ddos, not flood KEK), i also harras chat moderators and players of breaking their PC with a trojan (which have never ever happened. [HELLO CASUALTIES, nuclearweap, you remember this? :D]) I also post fake ass IP adresses of my so called enemies on forums but i do all of this only to hide the fact that im the biggest toxic cancerous bitch of all time in the whole universe.


Oh also, next time put more filters on your facebook profile picture, and use less-gayer fake eye lashes KEK.



Also i understand that you stopped school cuz your family is poor, sorry by family i only mean your mother, cuz your dad is dead and your mom prolly had to marry a rich pig, but do not ever again lie about "guys i put one week of effort to this guide" meanwhile you do a typo almost every line.



Too bad you changed your profile picture, i wanted to post the one you were on a bench, looking like a homeless gypsy.






presents* (instead of present's)


in-depth* (instead of in deep) even if you like it deep you shouldn't mention it everywhere, brazilian worthless son of a bitch


opinion* (instead of oppinion)


cap* (instead of cap)


*insert all the other 666 typos here*







I can feel your hate from zimbabwe to here in austria. 1 lyk = 1 attention point for felxprodx

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I can feel your hate from zimbabwe to here in austria. 1 lyk = 1 attention point for felxprodx


Didn't use any VPN while posting this comment.


Ask one of your dog chat mods to abuse their powers as usual and give you my IP so you can atleast "try" to ddos me. :)


Kek so scared kek

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You have no idea how to roast someone ...


which i achieved 2.4k multiple times as double dps.

2.4 even as double dps is fucking bad. Played firemage war to 2.6 pleb.


i have 10 brothers 7 of them are in jail for selling cocaine.

yes nice ! They have actually reached more in their lives than you will ever do.

Also you post a picture from him ? Lol felxprod show us your cancerface please i really really want to laugh. You are the one hiding behind his Computer, ddosing ppl and trashtalk everyone as soon as they gonna tell you how shit you are in game and irl (which is the true btw) Orange seller ftw.



Also i understand that you stopped school cuz your family is poor' date='[/quote']

You worthless dog, even poor people can join the school since we are not living in a fucking third-world country like you do. Uneducated piece of shit. But what you should know ... you are just a poor orange seller who lives in his tent in Mexico. All your hard earned money from selling oranges is for your Internet and your booter that you have to pay monthly. Dude i cant put in words how much i hate ddos cunts like you who just shittalks over the internet and post pictures from people only to /lol on them. Let's go felxprod, post us a pic from you :)


Even 10 more pages wouldn't be enough to tell you how disgusting you are. Well felxprod i can't understand it, how can someone be so mad only because he is bad in a game or ugly irl / no social life (who gives a fuck you know wheres my point) Once more you got rekt like you will get always. But it doesnt matther since you can just ddos people hm ;) ?



Edited by Noneedholy
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You have no idea how to roast someone ...



2.4 even as double dps is fucking bad. Played firemage war to 2.6 pleb.



yes nice ! They have actually reached more in their lives than you will ever do.

Also you post a picture from him ? Lol felxprod show us your cancerface please i really really want to laugh. You are the one hiding behind his Computer, ddosing ppl and trashtalk everyone as soon as they gonna tell you how shit you are in game and irl (which is the true btw) Orange seller ftw.




You worthless dog, even poor people can join the school since we are not living in a fucking third-world country like you do. Uneducated piece of shit. But what you should know ... you are just a poor orange seller who lives in his tent in Mexico. All your hard earned money from selling oranges is for your Internet and your booter that you have to pay monthly. Dude i cant put in words how much i hate ddos cunts like you who just shittalks over the internet and post pictures from people only to /lol on them. Let's go felxprod, post us a pic from you :)


Even 10 more pages wouldn't be enough to tell you how disgusting you are. Well felxprod i can't understand it how can someone be so mad only because he is bad in a game or ugly irl / no social life (who gives a fuck you know wheres my point) Once more you got rekt like you will get always. But it doesnt matther since you can just ddos people hm ;) ?


waste of time didnt even read what you wrote HEHEHEHEH U PISST


go drink beers and roast some jews fat nolifer teenager




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fuck those ddos'ing cunts, lets keep this a NORMAL thread


nice guide chiv, might be gearing my mw now


Yup. You achieved gearing all the less skill required classes and now MW's. KEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK



Resto Druids - Checked


Affli Locks - Checked


MWs - In progression



also you're the fucking ddos cunt lol random soulless rathead

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Yup. You achieved gearing all the less skill required classes and now MW's. KEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK



Resto Druids - Checked


Affli Locks - Checked


MWs - In progression



also you're the fucking ddos cunt lol random soulless rathead


I don't ddos people because that's fucking lame, it doesn't prove anything but that you're a tryharding fk on the internet. please be purged foul scum


i only play classes i find enjoyable, if u have a problem with that u can suck my dick

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if u have a problem with that u can suck my dick






Resto druid dreams are over and i HIGHLY DOUBT you "RANDOMLY" rerolled affli locks, especially this season




Anyways :

if u have a problem with that u can suck my dick


Homo confirmed, go get molested by your step dad you christian cuntlord


- - - Updated - - -


said the balance druid lmfao


omfg is that the destro lock who spoke?

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Resto druid dreams are over and i HIGHLY DOUBT you "RANDOMLY" rerolled affli locks, especially this season


l2 read u fucking cunt i said i play what i enjoy playing, i enjoyed playing Resto Druid, why do you think me and Minpojke were the only Resto Druids on the ladder? cuz its not like rshamans where u can afk with earth shield and riptide


i played affliction warlock since like september / october 2014 although i got mine full gear a couple months back and i was already playing affliction although resto druid was my main.


"homo confirmed, go get molested by your step dad you christian cunt lord"


1. i'm not gay although i doubt the same could be said about you

2. i don't have a step dad

3. i'm not christian


gtfo off the forums u fucking retard, especially this thread of my homie chiv who took the time out of his live to teach people something, not that i expect the same of you considering you dont even have a brain

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l2 read u fucking cunt i said i play what i enjoy playing, i enjoyed playing Resto Druid, why do you think me and Minpojke were the only Resto Druids on the ladder? cuz its not like rshamans where u can afk with earth shield and riptide


i played affliction warlock since like september / october 2014 although i got mine full gear a couple months back and i was already playing affliction although resto druid was my main.


"homo confirmed, go get molested by your step dad you christian cunt lord"


1. i'm not gay although i doubt the same could be said about you

2. i don't have a step dad

3. i'm not christian


gtfo off the forums u fucking retard, especially this thread of my homie chiv who took the time out of his live to teach people something, not that i expect the same of you considering you dont even have a brain


nop im lost answer too long


you know who would write that kind of long bitching messages? People who care


and i dont kek


#didnt read what you wrote, too long

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