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Helo!, well I want to talk about the realm fun... this realm is the only one that one 400k whatever class and spec can win a full proud from x100... obviously this is not always (I won many times against full pround from fun) ... but that make me think 2 thing


1.- There are so much hack in the realm fun and they always get a new account if they get bann' (so please ban from ip, 30 days, no just the account they should have another ban system)


2.- They have other items that the real x100 doesn't have ( so put the same items for the two realm pls!)


Before u talk like retards about 'if a 400k kill you don't cry u are so noob blah blah blah!' I have skills and this problem is not about that, is just a 400k with 2 or 3 shoot can down ur hp to low... is very frustrating



My solutions are :

1: Please, if u can't bann all this hack in arena and hack from fun, just make them fight against each other, fun should make arena just with fun and x100 just against x100 (like before)... is one thing bear whit this shitty player from fun with hack in bg BUT in arena? ... is too much


2: Put the same items in the realm x100 ( or more easy to get) ...



SO ... that ... I hope you get the principal idea of this post...




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Hello, great to see your suggestions, I'll answer them with no "hatred" and so on.


1- Pandawow does NOT IP ban, because Pandawow will loose player activity from this, that's why we've added "unban" section, there's a possbility of the administration consider to make a price for IP unban. Pandawow have the same basic Anti-cheat system, in the staff GM accounts, it does NOT work from Cross-realm to xfun/x100. Only xfun to xfun, Cross-realm to Cross-realm and x100 to x100. Pandawow can buy the same warden which blizzard had/still has, but it'll affect the morning server reset, and other things too, which will make the server sometimes trigger false cheat. But it's worth it for my opinion.


2- Since Pandawow has added the ilvl downgrade in arean/bg, though they're still sometimes stronger than basic PvP trinkets/items, that's how blizzard works ( I presume ) As Pandawow is mostly taking track from Blizzards work, xfun is customized with custom npcs, items etc. Which won't affect the other realm that much, only around 20% If you do NOT like it, you can leave the server. Pandawow CANNOT put same items to x100 from xfun, because all the PvE gear from fun is only implemented because Pandawow has disabled the instances, making u get the gear with PvP content, in the other hand with x100, it's PvE content, if you add the same NPC's which sells PvE items etc, it'll make the raids completely useless depsite from achievements, it'll be like xfun. Less far from blizzlike. Pandawow have MoP end-game content PvE available, but not fully. Therefore you'll have to wait.


Pandawow administration CANNOT be active 24/7, I'm talking about the Game Masters, aka: Shadrissa, Зилиус, Bukarasik, Kofeek and Neff. They all have irl issues and jobs etc. They have their valid excuses to not be on at the time u want someone to be banned for violation, that's why we've created report a player section: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=220 So you can report them, and the GM's will punish them, when they have time.


Pandawow have created 2 realm, meant for FUN - Customized / Easy to get and x100 - Blizzlike / Grind to get. If you do NOT like it, you can pleasely leave Pandawow project and join somewhat other if you're willing to. Pandawow has given us many things, other's what we didn't pay attention to, and what we have. Pandawow looks at every issues, and checks their priority, highly on Russian section. But once you report a bug on English section, don't feel like Pandawow administration isn't looking at it, they're. Just not replying because players gets hyped/asks questions, which will take Pandawow's time.


And also, there's something which made me very curious, could you send me any information about this 400k's 2-3 shots you in PM, I'd gladly like to see.


I hope I've cleared your questions out.



Edited by Nemifest
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