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oh diabolique 2.7k im still a virgin :(


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how about you virgins stop nerding this SHIT forum and go outisde and live your life instead of playing this shit game which will never help you in your life and nerding this forum....literally this is waste of time and it's so sad that people actually cry for attention and people will kill a guy just to get a reward on pandawow...what's the point? get life nerds,live your fucking life



and yeah im leaving this out here and dont you fucking say something about my life or your mom will die

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95% of the forum i fuck their moms in their rektum....you really guys gonna murder a person just for r1 you dumb munchers....especially noneed and frosthotz worst trolls of all the time i bet they look like fucking pedos irl that have no friends i fuck their mom too
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95% of the forum i fuck their moms in their rektum....you really guys gonna murder a person just for r1 you dumb munchers....especially noneed and frosthotz worst trolls of all the time i bet they look like fucking pedos irl that have no friends i fuck their mom too


we don't want him gone for rank 1, we want him gone because he's an obnoxious disgusting toxic cheater. he just simply annoys the shit out of everyone and needs to fuck off.

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how about you virgins stop nerding this SHIT forum and go outisde and live your life instead of playing this shit game which will never help you in your life and nerding this forum....literally this is waste of time and it's so sad that people actually cry for attention and people will kill a guy just to get a reward on pandawow...what's the point? get life nerds,live your fucking life



and yeah im leaving this out here and dont you fucking say something about my life or your mom will die

I won't say anything against your mom.I respect her because she didnt give you up.



95% forum users think that geloq it's me.

my bet on this

My bet on this is that you are just gay.

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Wow Lmao.. How sad can you be!?


Diabloque/Ivandorn created the accounts "Felxtwo" and "Qeloq" on here in the last week to try and pretend like people don't think he's a nolife wintrader lol.


I'm just wondering: how many extra accounts he will end up creating to pretend that he's not a wintrading scumbag? 100 or more? lol ^^


And Diabloque stop pretending that you're a virgin when I already gave you the D multiple times and you loved it ;)

Edited by Bapss
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