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Spell Reflect bug


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Excatly. The worst thing is when i knockback myself, but I dont think it matters that much because you still take distance from the target. Might wanna lower the priority.


no cause in the opener i want to stop a warrior from getting my lock's gate and without this, i can't stop him.


his shaman puts down freedom so my frost shock is useless + if i ns hex, he's gonna be insta dispelled.


its just annoying in general. if i really want to stop him, ill just get my druid to help me, but my point is that this bug is retarded and so is rest of the bugs.

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  • 1 month later...
its happen whit the stun totem, dunno the name cus....... if u spell reflect just well it will reflect it, not the shaman, but like a freezing trap from hunters, dunno if this is a bug or its like intended, just point this out here and asking for those war/shamy comps that pls test it..
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