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3rd week of 4th season



Serenetiz вар хороший.Ты походу уехал без дампы от него.

Хант Eccay.Я х3 кто это и чей это чар,но это лучший хант,которого я видел на этом сервере.

Tinybaz ты серьёзно ? абуз пиробласта.Мда,за рандом дип чей улетел,как обычно.

Morffe pqr,вот эта найс шутка -> шут aka колхозник

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the funny thing is you outdamaged him. how the fck can that happen to a warrior, lol?


thats how its supposed to be even tho he sticks lock 24/7.


Anyways ye if a rsham war would lose they are mentally challanged. Doesnt mean diabolique is not mentally challanged. Ofc he is but yeah.

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damn if i had my old laptop i could post so many screens winning 3k+ people of the good old days, i got a lot of screens from these days too but to lazy to search for them :D


Then don't mention it if you're not gonna post or look for them, might as well keep your mouth shut

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  • 2 weeks later...
2s... fact that ppl even bother lol


que 3s without a lock/sham/war, will it ever happen? no 4head


pwow: if i log my war i'll destroy him


^what i hear everyday lol


u forgot shaman/lock/monk/bm

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u forgot shaman/lock/monk/bm


what do you see in every comp on pandawow? i mean literally every comp.


if theres no lock or sham theres a war


if theres no lock or war theres a sham


if theres no sham or war theres a lock


like wtf man rofl. fotm players lel

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