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pffff everyone wintrade even your friend noneed.




pffff everyone wintrade even your friend noneed.













Kaillyx - Bug abuse + Wintrade (got ban in last season), but got glad rank.

You can find thread in forum where he got ban.

Выше - wintrading and playing with bug abuser smexaxa (banned and Disqualified)

here proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=169083


Nerdslayer - Bug abuse and playing with PQR user Serenityz/Poodsxy (banned)


Wexewellence - Wintrade

Linuey - Wintrade

Serenityz - banned for PQR using

Here proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=173205

Funkabizsax - wintrading with Dartmeganz and Серенети (both Disqualified)

Here proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=169306


so everyone abuse smth or just wintrade last season for get ranks. half guys who abuse got glad ranks and another half just disqualified.

but noone in top-50 never fairplay in last season.

and it's easy to get high rating if just que many arenas (if u have time for this). like you see i can get top1 without wintrade, so?

oh forgot to say tinybaz got ban for bug abuse in last season and he just repeat same bug for pushing rating so again disqualified in this season also.

so blame guys like dartmeganz/serenity who wintrade in last season and repeat this wintrade in this season also.

for example i don't wintrade in this season, you can check.

Posted (edited)
Kaillyx - Bug abuse + Wintrade (got ban in last season), but got glad rank.

You can find thread in forum where he got ban.

Выше - wintrading and playing with bug abuser smexaxa (banned and Disqualified)

here proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=169083


Nerdslayer - Bug abuse and playing with PQR user Serenityz/Poodsxy (banned)


Wexewellence - Wintrade

Linuey - Wintrade

Serenityz - banned for PQR using

Here proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=173205

Funkabizsax - wintrading with Dartmeganz and Серенети (both Disqualified)

Here proof: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=169306


so everyone abuse smth or just wintrade last season for get ranks. half guys who abuse got glad ranks and another half just disqualified.

but noone in top-50 never fairplay in last season.

and it's easy to get high rating if just que many arenas (if u have time for this). like you see i can get top1 without wintrade, so?

oh forgot to say tinybaz got ban for bug abuse in last season and he just repeat same bug for pushing rating so again disqualified in this season also.

so blame guys like dartmeganz/serenity who wintrade in last season and repeat this wintrade in this season also.

for example i don't wintrade in this season, you can check.


makes me giggle when you actually think nerdslayer and serenityz used pqr. made me laugh when you said baz bug abused. you made me laugh when you said you can get rating without wintrade. we all know that you got farmed by me. only lost to you 1 time and that was when you bugged noneed under map. survival hunter lelellelele


show me a picture where you've beaten me on your hunter in 3s. your warrior doesnt count as you use pqr 24/7 and kick botting.


you're disgusting and no one likes you. if someone ever would get perma banned, you'd be the first to be. wintrading cheating rat.

Edited by Repitchx
Posted (edited)
makes me giggle when you actually think nerdslayer and serenityz used pqr


made me laugh when you said baz bug abused. you made me laugh when you said you can get rating without wintrade.


your warrior doesnt count as you you pqr 24/7 and kick botting.


you're disgusting and no one likes you. if someone ever would get perma banned, you'd be the first to be. wintrading cheating rat.


nothing to add. get the F##k off this server you fu##ing rat


- - - Updated - - -


i don't wintrade in this season


yea but scripting and playing 2 of the most broken and bugged specs on pandawow. Don't try to justify your actions and shut the F up


- - - Updated - - -


His name is Porphyrion.

Oh you mean this warrior?


Edited by Autschbatsch
  • Like 1

you just boyfriends. you suck cocks for each other.

you using bugs/wintrade getting ban for this (already proof it, it's why you got nothing from last season).

but when someone saying this you trying to protect each others and blame someone else.

it's rly strange.

if you want to blame someone so start fairplay like me.

if you think that i wintrade this season you can report me.

i can proof every my win , so? yeap i got many screenshots because guys like you are (no brain kids) can not belive.

Posted (edited)
you using bugs/wintrade getting ban for this (already proof it' date='[/quote']

There is a difference between a retail gladiator player and a scripting sad cunt like you, that's why we get reported.


protect each others and blame someone else.

L M A O. Isn't that EXACTELY what YOU do?


so start fairplay like me.

http://i.imgur.com/nlBMCyM.gif http://i.imgur.com/nlBMCyM.gif http://i.imgur.com/nlBMCyM.gif http://i.imgur.com/nlBMCyM.gif

Edited by Autschbatsch

we won your country in 1945.

so we win you guys in another war.

so be scared pigs.

if russian guys come you will rly crying.

because i think in next time war will be much smarter and we don't make you a chance to restore your country.

just make slaves there.

so don't forget about this.


- - - Добавлено - - -


i got retail glad rank much more times that your gay comp together.

so shame on you.

you just boyfriends. you suck cocks for each other.

you using bugs/wintrade getting ban for this (already proof it, it's why you got nothing from last season).

but when someone saying this you trying to protect each others and blame someone else.

it's rly strange.

if you want to blame someone so start fairplay like me.

if you think that i wintrade this season you can report me.

i can proof every my win , so? yeap i got many screenshots because guys like you are (no brain kids) can not belive.


show me a screenshot where i wintraded, please.

show me a report where i got banned, please

you will get banned again. dont worry. already reported you for pqr and my friend awbeex got a new vid where you spam hamstring on a druid everytime he shifts.

"fairplay" what are you? a comedian?

we didnt say you wintraded this season. no need for that. you know it yourself that you will get banned for it. we always find out. i wont let rats like you get something.

no you cant. you cant prove jack shit. youre fucking bad at this game. thats why i farm you everytime i que 3s on my rogue lmfao


show screens from where you played over 2.7k on your hunter first season. let me guess, you dont have any?



we won your country in 1945


fun fact, only noneed is german. Every other of "us" is not.


i got retail glad rank much more times that your gay comp together.

so shame on you.

k show ( and by the love of god don't show some fake fanboy crap lmao )

fun fact, only noneed is german. Every other of "us" is not.

you really think that scared german ppl can attack soviet union alone?













San Marino




and all countries have lost against Russia.

so be scared.

you really think that scared german ppl can attack soviet union alone?













San Marino




and all countries have lost against Russia.

so be scared.


ofc we can't do shit alone, are you dumb? this is hilarious though. world biggest country obviously has the upper hand. JK... NATO BABY ALL THE WAY


fun fact: russia touches anyone in NATO and your country will get bombed back to stone age


i think russia should stfu, can't do shit to us. =)


- - - Updated - - -




rekt shrekt????


oh don't forget that germany lost 1st world war.

they were so poor so received loans from UK and USA.

without this money they can not start 2nd world war.

don't forget that Russia can ruin all europe alone.

so be scared if you see someone from russia.

Respect Russian Lord or you will not get off so easily.

because after next war u'll be just slaves.

oh don't forget that germany lost 1st world war.

they were so poor so received loans from UK and USA.

without this money they can not start 2nd world war.

don't forget that Russia can ruin all europe alone.

so be scared if you see someone from russia.

Respect Russian Lord or you will not get off so easily.

because after next war u'll be just slaves.


don't get me wrong, i like russia, but russia has a bunch of idiots like you, sadly.


all i need to do to counter your whole argument is to link a screenshot. easy, right? wish life was this easy




pfffff russians never give up.

we have much more nuclear bombs then all NATO.

and our rockets much better and faster.

so u will have no chance to respond to the attack.

pfffff russians never give up.

we have much more nuclear bombs then all NATO.

and our rockets much better and faster.

so u will have no chance to respond to the attack.





we suffer economic sanctions between Europe. but there is a limit. sooner or later we get tired of it and we will just ruin europe and make place for pigs there.
we suffer economic sanctions between Europe. but there is a limit. sooner or later we get tired of it and we will just ruin europe and make place for pigs there.


ye im sure of it.






learn history.

how many times someone from Europe trying to attack Russian Empire?

too much...

and everytime they lost.

I think you watch the news and saw our training in Syria.

learn history.

how many times someone from Europe trying to attack Russian Empire?

too much...

and everytime they lost.

I think you watch the news and saw our training in Syria.


i need to learn history?


we have much more nuclear bombs then all NATO.

and our rockets much better and faster.


just look how you type, lmfao. "our rockets much better and faster". nice, really nice.


and how exactly can you prove that? no? as i thought. stfu, little boy.




- - - Updated - - -


anyways, let's remind him that he wintraded last season and uses pqr now. he's suffering from Alzheimers, so he has a hard time remembering stuff.


Poor cyka :(


Dude, just think if China and Russia attack to Europe.

we already start selling weapons/tanks/bombs/rockets to China :p

China need more place for ppl there (because rly too much ppl there already and not enough place)

Russia need new technologies (not military) and slaves for work.

so start think about this.

Do not forget that we have an analogue of the European Union, it is called a Customs Union.

Russia (17 125 191 km2), Kazakhstan (2 794 900 km2), Byelorussia (207 600 km2), Armenia (29 743 km2), Kyrgyzstan (199 951 km2) and want to join Syria (186 475 km2), Tunisia (163 610 km2)

so 4 325 000 km2 (European Union) vs 20 707 470 km2 (Customs Union)

are you scared?


- - - Добавлено - - -


Customs Union it's like Golden Horde / Russian Empire.

We just wanna get back Alaska so we need more warriors in our army.

We already got back Crimea.

Already half part of Ukraine its Russian territory (Lugansk, Donetsk).

I hope we can make Russian Empire again 1/6 of World.

you can read about this in wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Empire


he was freak and ugly.

idk how he conquered the whole of Europe.

germany just small country .

but it has forced many countries to join, and called it the Third Reich.

part of Third Reich it's Russian territory. Can you look at a Google map city Kaliningrad?

idk why we gift too much to Europe after 2nd world war.

too much countries got new territory for nothing without reason.

they lost this war and just got gift from Russia.


- - - Добавлено - - -


for example Poland and Finland it's Russian territory many centuries.

it's part of Russian Empire.

i hope we can get back this.

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