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Hello. The problem I am talking about (at least in my account) is that friends don't usually appear connected in my friend list. I know this because I talk to them and they're on, but they appear disconnected in my friend list. So it's like not having friends.


Thanks. I hope you to be able to help!


My regards.

Posted (edited)

Did you try to Remove you Cache folder from WoW?


Did you try to repair your Character? http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/repair.html


Could you provide us with some Screen shots so we may see how it looks like?

Because i had a similar problem and all i did was i scrolled down a but with the little box(On the right side of the opened tab) which can move up and down (depending of how much friends you have)

Edited by Weegee

I'm afraid to delete the cache folder. What will happen? Will I loose my addons config or what else?


I'm repairing my characters right now, and I will write here if the problem gets repaired by doing this, but I think it wont, because this happens in all of my chars.


Just, relog or open again your wow, if not fix try to repair your character :D


- - - Updated - - -


Weegee Post first? lel :(

  caramel0rar0 said:
Ok. What photo do you want to see? Just the open friend list where none is on and I talking to one of those guys meanwhile?


Ok, empty friend list, it's bug when friends are lost. Lost only those friends who delete characters at least once. Try test, add 2~3 random player, do logaut, and watch for result.


The problem doesn't happen when they were recently added. Also, I forgot telling you that my old friends appear disconnected sometimes but sometimes they're connected, it happens only sometimes.


I added 3 guys and reloaded. They were still connected. But with other friends, it is still bugged sometimes.

old friends appear disconnected sometimes


If they disconnected, but you can write them, it mean only one, they on bg. cross-server system, you will not see them on our server, but you can write to them

  caramel0rar0 said:
No, they're not fun server (I am x100). It is not because they're or they're not on BG. I know the guys I'm talking about are at x100.


Yes, this is the reason, if they go to the arena, BG, they will not appear in your friends list. Even if they from x100.

No other reason


Yes its because Arenas and Bg's are hosted on a different realm which is cross realm, there x100 players can fight xFun players.


Meanwhile they are there they will appear offline on your friend list but you can still whisper them. (They are offline because they are not on x100 realm at the moment, they are on Cross-realm During a BG/ Arena)


Do you have any more questions / issues?

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