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Spell reflect value bug

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1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=23920/spell-reflection#changelog

2. How it works on pandawow: Spell Reflection reflects 1 to1 the dmg the caster would have done

3. How it should work: Spell Reflection does NOT reflect the full dmg back to the caster.

4. 27March 2016

5. Fun

6. 9/10 , warriors overall are the doom of this server, every nerf counts


7. Proof;

( THIS IS SEASON 14 BTW )as you can clearly see the warlock gets a 57k reflected chaos bolt, (yes i know it was affected by unending resolve) , but it's plainfully obvious that he would have hitted alot harder than that since he had 4/5 dmg procs/use on use up(so around 192~without tailor proc). You can check chaos bolt dmg at the start of the vid (battle stance doe) still makes it look pretty obvious.


Proof that it's 1:1 on pwow




edit* if anyone knows how it gets calculated - much appreciated :), i never cared about how it was calculated on retail but in the days were warriors would ask why it's not 1 to 1 i have in my mind that it is not affected by pvp power mastery etc. So the warrior would cast the spell himself without spellpower, mastery etc.

Edit* maybe it's the same value as http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77606/dark-simulacrum . I could be wrong tho.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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In your opinion If pala in divine protection hit war with holy shock in spell reflect, he must receive the damage from holy shock........


Why should the pala receive any damage when he has DEVINE protection, it will maybe do it if it was pre reflected before devine protection, if I remember right.

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Yea like that rank1 retail warlock in the vid right? I mean it was only swifty, but the lock could still not avoid server latency and got reflected. Such a scrub! :rofl_mini: Especially on pandawow latency is known to be top notch. Maybe you folks could try in practice how you cancel chaosbolts 0.5s before the casts ends so it won't go off cause of latency and see how you can cast a second one.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
just he yestoday 5 reflect chaos bolt in fedyamortal and death. r1 lock eu. no fake reflect


yes because you have to trust ur mage that he manages it to deep the warrior. Also trinket into reflect isn't hard ? What ur trying to tell us ? That it was skill ? Sad enough you lost to Djfreezer but now you try to argue about Warrior and lock


Let me tell you that you have a knowledge from 0 about both classes. Ofc you open your mouth when you win against people like djfreezer (last game you only won because he dc'd in a 2v3) Anyways you didn't manage it to win once against deepoxy + Autsch. So better be quiet. You know where your place is, just look at the ladder from last season.

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yes because you have to trust ur mage that he manages it to deep the warrior. Also trinket into reflect isn't hard ? What ur trying to tell us ? That it was skill ? Sad enough you lost to Djfreezer but now you try to argue about Warrior and lock


Let me tell you that you have a knowledge from 0 about both classes. Ofc you open your mouth when you win against people like djfreezer (last game you only won because he dc'd in a 2v3) Anyways you didn't manage it to win once against deepoxy + Autsch. So better be quiet. You know where your place is, just look at the ladder from last season.





Do you think I'm going to translate these snot??? ahahahah

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no fake reflect

people on pandawow never dissapoint with their selfless attitude to show everyone how stupid they are


"Vengeful Gladiator"


Edited by Autschbatsch
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  • 3 months later...
maybe it's the same value as Dark Simulacrum


? I googeld myself when I made the post. Could not find any formula :/


- - - Updated - - -


http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1241710-Reflecting-Chaos-bolt Those are not proofs BUT , however, clearly state that it is not 1to1 dmg.


"It probably scales based on the casters spell stats, and since the reflect acts as if the spell it reflected was cast by you, it doesn't scale nearly as high as it would when cast by the lock. I could be wrong, but i think that's how it works."


"I've had my chaosbolts reflected many many times and I can confirm it does garbage damage to myself with that being said my chaos bolt will nearly 1 shot you with that resilience if mine goes off haha"


Even in there people are not certain.... Still no idea what the formula is. I guess some math nerd could figure it out based on the video and all the differend % modifiers active...

Edited by Autschbatsch
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