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Pandawow discussion thread (especially for juster)

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Do i have to explain something ? We start a discussion thread where everyone just told his own OPINION about the server (which is sometimes harsh but yes but not really Takaa's fault) And all you do is answering like this ?

Dear juster long time i didnt see something disrespectful and tasteless like your comment. At least shadrissa tried to discuss but YOU ... lol you just treat us like your little dogs who pay for your Server. How you dare to tell us to leave now ? How you dare to tell your own COMMUNITY to fucking leave this server ? What are you without us dear juster, tell me ? Zero fucks given about the thread and not even a proper answer to the ;TE its hilarious. Not even a fcking statement where you've been the whole time or why we don't get fixed etc. You guys are going the same way as blizzard did and tbh it simply disgusts me to see what happened to this Server. But hey at least i know exactly where the English community stand in your opinion. Not to mention how you close every english discussion thread or every thread which NEARLY criticized Pandawow. Well ye i dont expect something else from some russian ( yes i don't have something against russian people at all but you guys sometimes confirms the prejudices that people have against you ) Means as soon as someone criticized something, The subject is simply hushed up. (No racism or blame against russian ofc btw.)


It's just amazing in my opinion how you handle the English community and even after you said you try to communicate better with the english community nothing has changed ... no lol completly nothing except that your even rarer here. All what shadrissa told us was that

I have no idea why we have not new change logs still, why Juster seldom entering the forum, why players didn't get rewards for the last season etc. I just have no idea. All that I know that's developers of our partner server are doing most of fixes, but it doesn't publish.

I have to say, how is that possible that even the game master (or head gm if i understood that right?) has no simply clue why all these things happen ? I would really like to know but i guess we all know how that will end.


I told you like 1 year ago that your server will die or/and the population will become lower if you won't listen to the english community and see what happened, last years we had way more people online and the population lowered alot.


You don't believe me or u want to tell me im wrong ? It's all fine i can proof everything i said.


source: http://web.archive.org/web/20141225203529/http://pandawow.ru/en/

39eae888a957478f6fde224320ce04ee.png That was DEZ 2014.


source: http://web.archive.org/web/20141226134604/http://pandawow.ru/


That was also DEZ 2014


source: http://web.archive.org/web/20140920205827/http://pandawow.ru/


September 2014.


We can say that we had constantly 9-10k people online and look now ? Just lol ...


source: http://web.archive.org/web/20150405135943/http://pandawow.ru/


10k people online at April 2015


Yes now you can tell me that its totally normal that people leave and join the Server but let me tell you that it has a reason :)


Atm we have constantly ~7k player online which is like 3k less compared to 2015 just to mention that.


So i told you my point. I mean i really doubt that you will think about that since ur last comment on the other thread which makes you look very very uninterested against the Community but i really had to say that.


Anyways thanks for shadrissa that she still tried to stay objectively in the thread even tho she got blamed as slut etc. good work :)


And for the others .. I don't have to say that i don't play that much here untill something happens because i already did that alot of times and i already noticed it that people are always asking if im back or when im back but i don't feel like ive to tell reasons why i don't play here anymore that much since everyone should build his own opinion about these things that happen.


Anyways juster, if you want to ban me now for saying my opinion now do it, do it and ban me or delete my characters if it's really needed. ( What i don't hope but how some people / gms / admins) act here it wouldn't wonder me if i get banned for saying my opinion. But than im out for real and don't forget that i always made publicity for your Server ! I was even streaming Teamplay tournaments with ~90-100 viewer which just asked which server that is etc. Just wanted to tell you that.


Anyways this topic is gonna get closed soon so enriches you :)


About online, it's okay, because we opened draenor, many players starts play there, and if you add up the peak online on wod and mop, it will be more than 12 000 people in currenly off-season, april - october.

We still works every day, developers make ~50 fixes every week for core and same for DB, we just don't have time for write chanelogs, but that does not mean that the work is not conducted.

Posted (edited)

Blizzard is losing every subscription with Wod. Yes almost every mate from me stopped that game with WoD i don't really see the point in fixing a dead expansion but that's your thing and not mine. Its not my business at all and i should not decide that. I just know alot of people literally 2-3k people who just play on (****mane) because they are pissed off the bugs on Pandawow. Yes things who are bugged here are not on the other server and things who are bugged there are fixed on Pandawow .. it's really weird tbh :D I just know that a SHIT TON of people would like to play MoP and also alof of retail mates left the server due no bug fixes. The half of my mate were leaving the server because every 2nd game you que in 3s is against a empty Team because people are wintrading as fuck ( not losing points for not joining arena ) Mist of Pandaria has PvP wise a HUGE potential and we are far away from retail ( idk i was 2.6 on retail, no idea if you care about my opinion ) But i also played on higher mmr's and i can tell you that these bugs here are more gamebraking than most of you guys think. That is just a suggestion here but i THINK that if you work on 2 expansions you should also get an Admin who is working only for Mop / wod. I can't justify if you just don't want to work on MOP or if you just dont have a time since i don't know your personal life at all. All i can say is that if you don't have enough time you guys should really hire some good staff member who are working on MOP. Also please .. that is no offense or something but how is that possible that after the last hotfixes the developers always managed it to fuck up more spells than they fixed? That is just negligently work. I just said that this server has alot of potential with all these things who got added like :


- Arena spectator

- Cross realm ( best idea in my opinion )

and other spells who are only fixed here.


But right now i'm just telling you that all these things going into the background because people start to see only a deterioration from this Server. I just hate it to see a server with that much potential dieing ... I don't know if its in ur interest to make a high end PvP MoP server but that's what i thought. In the WoWCircle forums i remember a GM said that Pandawow is doing the PvP fixes and wowcircle the PvE ones, im not sure if that's true but that means that Pandawow is a PvP Server. Anyways i guess a server needs both to be famous + has alot of players. There are major bug fixes who don't get fixed at all which really disgusts me. My main class is bugged for ages now (Holypriest) even my alt class (resto druid) is missing major passive spells / or whole spells like shroom which are all listed in the bug tracker. The english section overall don't get checked my any people from the staff ... I don't really know but a english speaking admin would be a good idea ... at least for MOP since the English community is as much as important as the russian one is.

Edited by mastawar
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Blizzard is losing every subscription with Wod. Yes almost every mate from me stopped that game with WoD i don't really see the point in fixing a dead expansion but that's your thing and not mine. Its not my business at all and i should not decide that. I just know alot of people literally 2-3k people who just play on (****mane) because they are pissed off the bugs on Pandawow. Yes things who are bugged here are not on the other server and things who are bugged there are fixed on Pandawow .. it's really weird tbh :D I just know that a SHIT TON of people would like to play MoP and also alof of retail mates left the server due no bug fixes. The half of my mate were leaving the server because every 2nd game you que in 3s is against a empty Team because people are wintrading as fuck ( not losing points for not joining arena ) Mist of Pandaria has PvP wise a HUGE potential and we are far away from retail ( idk i was 2.6 on retail, no idea if you care about my opinion ) But i also played on higher mmr's and i can tell you that these bugs here are more gamebraking than most of you guys think. That is just a suggestion here but i THINK that if you work on 2 expansions you should also get an Admin who is working only for Mop / wod. I can't justify if you just don't want to work on MOP or if you just dont have a time since i don't know your personal life at all. All i can say is that if you don't have enough time you guys should really hire some good staff member who are working on MOP. Also please .. that is no offense or something but how is that possible that after the last hotfixes the developers always managed it to fuck up more spells than they fixed? That is just negligently work. I just said that this server has alot of potential with all these things who got added like :


- Arena spectator

- Cross realm ( best idea in my opinion )

and other spells who are only fixed here.


But right now i'm just telling you that all these things going into the background because people start to see only a deterioration from this Server.


It's a Blizzard problem, we and our partners have audience on Draenor is higher than the audience of Pandaria.

We have no competitors in PvP direction, is nowhere better PvP content is not implemented. Just maybe firestorm have ~same pvp/pve, because it's our partners and we have similar core/db.

About count and quality fixes I say in my previous post.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
That's exactly the thing ! You don't really have PvP competitors right now yes ! But that's what i said in my previous post, if (****ane, i guess you know which server i mean) really starts to care about PvP now as malaco said in his stream, they WILL BE a competitor since they are known for doing the best PvP server (atm its pretty much dead because they spend alot of time working on lordearon etc.) But i'm just telling you that they said they will put every work in MOP now and if they really do, They won't be only competitors, they will become better than Pandawow has ever been. So my only please is to not stop working here on MOP and keep the work up ... become better than sh*t*ane and give people a reason to go on Pandawow and not to another server because when they are finished it's already too late for us. Just wanted to tell you that but probably you already know that. Right now theres not really a Alternatively server where we could play PvP in Mop you are totally right but if that is a reason to stop the work here and let us wait ages for a fix than i won't continue writing here. Edited by mastawar
That's exactly the thing ! You don't really have PvP competitors right now yes ! But that's what i said in my previous post, if (****ane, i guess you know which server i mean) really starts to care about PvP now as malaco said in his stream, they WILL BE a competitor since they are known for doing the best PvP server (atm its pretty much dead because they spend alot of time working on lordearon etc.) But i'm just telling you that they said they will put every work in MOP now and if they really do, They won't be only competitors, they will become better than Pandawow has ever been. So my only please is to not stop working here on MOP and keep the work up ... become better than sh*t*ane and give people a reason to come on Pandawow and not to another server because when they are finished it's already too late for us. Just wanted to tell you that but probably you already know that.


We work in the usual fast pace and I see no reason for such topics and discussions.

That's why I said that if something does not like it, you can leave now.


The point of THIS discussion is that we (the players & whole community) are pissed because nothing happens ! Even in your previous posts here you told us that you are aware of there are no competitors which means it has a reason why noone cares about something here. I hope i don't sound too harsh but if that's all what you have to say i don't really know and i dont really WANT to know what gonna happen with Pandawow.


And no noone works in a fast pace here .... There are Major PvP bugs who are not fixed for years now ! Bugs like orb into poly, survival hunter etc. got fixed after more than 1 year !!! There are classes who are doing 10x more dmg than they should like Warriors or dk's and still yet noone gives a single fuck. That's not what i call "fast pace"


I really hoped you would get my point and promise to do things better but all i can see is just "leave server if you don't like it" ...


Juster we will do when there is a server coming up who care about MOP fixes trust me (In case Pandawow continues like that) . Anyways was nice to talk with you :)


- noneed out.

The point of THIS discussion is that we (the players & whole community) are pissed because nothing happens ! Even in your previous posts here you told us that you are aware of there are no competitors which means it has a reason why noone cares about something here. I hope i don't sound too harsh but if that's all what you have to say i don't really know and i dont really WANT to know what gonna happen with Pandawow.


And no noone works in a fast pace here .... There are Major PvP bugs who are not fixed for years now ! Bugs like orb into poly, survival hunter etc. got fixed after more than 1 year !!! There are classes who are doing 10x more dmg than they should like Warriors or dk's and still yet noone gives a single fuck. That's not what i call "fast pace"


I really hoped you would get my point and promise to do things better but all i can see is just "leave server if you don't like it" ...


Juster we will do when there is a server coming up who care about MOP fixes trust me (In case Pandawow continues like that) . Anyways was nice to talk with you :)


- noneed out.


Nothing? I have already said everything about it.

We can not fix everything at once, some bug reports can hang over the years, this is normal and this situation have on all projects.


I answered all the questions repeatedly, topic is closed.

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