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Charge (remake)


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Ability: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge & http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=3411/intervene & http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114029/safeguard


Issue: If you get CC'd in mid air while in charge/intervene, you will still charge after the CC, ending up following him across the map


Also other players can't see the charge visual


What should happen: If you get cc'd, it should stop charge.


Other players should charge visual as well


Priority: 10/10 lol. Gives warriors way more mobility in a way on some maps. Unfair shit.


Realm: x100/fun






https://clips.twitch.tv/mattulol/CarefulGoatRedCoat (go to 14 sec, fear stops charge)


https://www.twitch.tv/mattulol/v/103667662 (01:06:35 you can hear him talk about my question there)

Edited by Repitchx
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
there's how it should work, if I understood your report correctly.

Start watching at 28:10, charge itself happens in 28:15~


And I guess we all know that it's not how it works here


EDIT: Another one at 28:40


Yeah that's what I mean. But if he's on the bridge and I'm right under him, he shouldn't be able to charge up to him. On here you can and that's a fucking joke. Only retarded warriors comes with the excuse "but he can jump away from my charge" just dont talk if you gonna say that. it's bullshit that if you outplay someone by knocking them down from the bridge, they can just charge back up. the knockback itself is a cc as he has to walk back up and that takes like at least 3-5 seconds (depending where and if you're slowed)

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Yeah that's what I mean. But if he's on the bridge and I'm right under him, he shouldn't be able to charge up to him. On here you can and that's a fucking joke. Only retarded warriors comes with the excuse "but he can jump away from my charge" just dont talk if you gonna say that. it's bullshit that if you outplay someone by knocking them down from the bridge, they can just charge back up. the knockback itself is a cc as he has to walk back up and that takes like at least 3-5 seconds (depending where and if you're slowed)


Agreed, the fact that warriors can charge from anywhere, favors them in the matches vs elemental shamans / Druids, because even if you get a knockback on them they simply charge you back through air

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Btw re-charging after a knockback from arathi basin lumbermill and a knock over the EDGE of blades edge is a completely different thing. Too tired to research and proof but it's a fact.


i know. it has something to do with the same ground level, if that makes sense?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
what would u say if u were in arena trying to win and then suddenly you fall down and lose because of charge


To get back up after falling, you need to run and jump around a bit till you get a feeling of where you are. On one of the corners with stairs, there's a random boulder on the floor and you can actually jump on it (somewhere near it) till you find that you are elevating a bit. Stand on the same spot and keep jumping.


This only ever happens if you charge someone/get disorientated by the point between the stairs and the wall of the central platform.


They should really add some textures underneath tho to prevent this from happening. Unlike other arenas, you don't get ported back up because you're not falling.

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  • 2 months later...
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