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[Important] Account hacked

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So ill write that here in the russian section because u've to react fast. I guess noone gives a flying fck about the english forum so yeah.


My account (acc name : Erminwow ) got hacked. I had luck that the guy was totally braindead and only sold my 2nd druid and not my war or smth. Anyways changes password already but as i see this guy is playing atm on my character means it's possible to get his ip & his main acc also. I would like to know WHEN did i sold my Character and from WHICH ip i sold my DRUID ( It's my account and so i think i can give you the permission to post the IP in public :) ) Anyways that's all what i want for now. And about that hacking problem yeah .... i guess you know that i try to get my char back now ;).



Thanks in advance and if im in the wrong section, move the topic please.


Hello, Noneedholyban

1-th, you should write in EU section.

2-th, create a new topic here please.


Rules for creating topics if your account / character got stolen


1. Account name, which has been stolen

2. The realm (x10/x100/Fun)

3. Nickname(s) of your stolen character(s)

4. E-mail, which was registered by above account

5. The time of your last visit to the game. Write seperate dates and time for each account / character

6. Your IP-address

► If it has changed, please indicate this.

► If it is dynamic, then indicate the range of change ip (check it out, you can use the site http://2ip.ru/whois/ or in any other way accessible to you).

7. Nicks of people who can attest to the fact that you are the owner of the stolen account / character

8. Evidence: screenshots of the stolen character(s), common data that you think could help us (date of purchase items, characters, any services from CP etc.)

► If you attach as evidence of a shopping list of items from CP, then you also need to add a link to the items from http://wowhead.com/

9. If you have another accounts on our server, indicate them and 1-2 characters on them

10. A detailed description of the problem



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